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UFO Bug(?)


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Hi guys.


New guy here. thanks for reading my post.

I've installed UFO - Ultimate follower overhaul. without any problems. i used the NMM auto installation.

Had no problems so i picked up a wolf follower from the "pets of skyrim" mod.


after that i did a quest and got another follower so i now have 2 followers , the wolf and a mage.

but when i went to pick up J'zargo , or whatever his name is , my wolf stayed but my mage follower suddently decided to go home.


Any clues? does it have something to do with the Pets of skyrim mod?


i didnt have any followers when i installed UFO , i did have a wife in my whiterun house.


Did i do something wrong? any help is apreciated.

thank you

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I'm nor sure how pets of skyrim works, but I use Brokunn's Mini Pet Maker without trouble--I have 2 pets and a follower and a horse. If you don't like your pets small, you can use the console setscale command to make them larger.


If you don't want to try that, the only thing I can think is to make sure UFO is lower than the pet mod in your load order.


Hope that helps!

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