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Another marriage bug


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So, recently, I have not been able to get married at all in Skyrim. What happens is when the wedding is going on and Maramal asks if we want to be bound together, before he has time to give us rings, everyone including my spouse starts to walk out while Maramal blabbers on. If I exit conversation with him and run to my spouse, (s)he will not give me any marriage dialogue, while everyone else congratulates me on our wedding. I have tried removing all my mods and starting a clean save but the same thing happens every time. Searching google did not help me, as nobody else seems to have had the same problem. At this point, I don't even care who my spouse is anymore, it could be an ugly fat argonian who yells insults at me all the time. I just want my lover's comfort, my store money, and the ability to sell my items through my spouse with the spouse store mod.





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Try this: let him walk out. Exit the game entirely then re-enter, and find your man (or whatever) where they usually hang. At that point, see if you can get the dialogue about where you should live.

I have never had a satisfying wedding in Skyrim, but this works for me.


Not that actually being married (in Skyrim) is any better. Except, of course for the perks you mentioned. :wink: My guess is there is someone with just a little bitterness writing this part of the Skyrim story!

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