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how do you find id codes for mods out of game


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I have quite a few mods and one significant problem. A lot of mod authors have added new perks, some quite a few. I have searched and couldn't find anything that would allow me to display all of the (in this case perk) id's of the various mods so that I could make a batch with all the codes that were overwritten/hidden by skyre's perk tree alterations. Some of the mods have it where you can't access any of its content unless you have the appropriate perk, which is fine uness you can't actually see the perks in your perk tree because they were overwritten/hidden by a mod later in the load order. I can still use the help command to find the id codes and the addperk command to add them, but doing that to grind out ~30 (possibly more) perks every new game is tedious. I tried to use the Creation kit to open the mods but couldn't get the proper id's (found form id's, but couldn't find id's to match a few that I looked up with the help command)


If anyone knows how to find the proper mod item, perk, etc ID's without having to grind them out please either point me in the right direction. Or, if you're feeling generous, make something to help. I'm probably not the only one with this problem so someone else may have already made something, if not than I'm sure someone else could use it.


Thank you in advance.

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The first two characters of the id number are generated by position in load order:




XX = position in load order


164898 = last six digits of the ID number


So what you do is look up the id number in the CK and write it down. Then you look up the position of that mod in Wrye Bash and combine the two numbers for the console code that you use in-game.


Maybe what you need to do is edit your copy of Skyre by modcleaning out all of its edits to perks.

Edited by David Brasher
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Thank you for the information, it was very useful. I also found a new trick to reduce grinding even further. I am not sure if I can mention the use of other windows applications, but I read the rules and I think I can mention this trick. If not, please don't ban me just remove the post and I won't persue it. Anyway, use the creation kit and go into data, select a plugin, don't activate it, instead click view details. The detail list shows all perks, items, ect organized by the type of object. Use a snipping tool or other picture taking tool to take a snip of the form ID's and then copy it and paste it to a random one note page. Right click the snip and select "Copy Text from Picture" then paste to your batch, fix some spacing issues some codes have, delete the first 2 digits of the code, type player.add(perk, item, spell, ect) then the 2 load order digits before the first code, copy just player.add____ (and load order digits). Go down the line and paste it before every code. It's less efficient if you're only typing 1 or 2 codes, but if you are copying an entire list, it's much faster.
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  • 1 year later...



Love the year old necro....


Anyway. If the numerical position of the load order is converted into hex it becomes a two character value.


Both NMM and Wrye Bash list the hex value of the load number.



In the Creation Kit

Skyrim.esm loads first, all objects from this start with 00

Update.esm loads next, all objects from this start with 01

Yourmod.esp loads next, all objects from this start with 02

ID # of desired object from Yourmod = 0200D93


In the game

Skyrim.esm loads first, numerical position is 0, hex position is 00

Update.esm loads next, numerical position is 1, hex position is 01

A bunch of other mods....
Yourmod loads up, numerical position is 50, hex position is 32


ID # of desired object from Yourmod in game is therefore 3200D93

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