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The Witcher: Enhanced Edition


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This one's definitely on my buy list. Sometimes it seems I haven't played a really good single player CRPG since friggin' Baldur's Gate. I tell ya, ever since MMO fever struck... *blather*


I also think it's pretty cool that they're trying to make it free to purchasers of the original game albeit in a susbstanial download package. Kudos for taking care of the customer base.

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Well, I agree that it is quite a download, however I am happy that it is not in the mentallity of, say, Spellforce 2. Where the Collectors Edition came with extra items.

All of the EE is free for registred owners of the game (which I think it good, as some pirates won't be able to get it).


Also, I must say that CDProject RED has a brilliant way of taking care of the customers. Many other manufractures and publishers should watch them and learn :thumbsup:

I have been very, very satiesfied with the customer support and I can tell that they not only think about themselves but also about the players and their wishes and desires!

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I have been curious about Witcher ever since I first saw screenies of it in PCGamer but I haven't found it in my area (I like to pick up the box & check it out before plunking down the green for a game) so maybe I can get another chance at finding this title.


also since I'm a dial-upper this would save my modem some wear & tear.

I had been given this game as a gift and let it sit around for a couple of months, but when I finally popped it in (and they had just released their second patch, because the load times for the hour I played before patching, were dreadful!) I have to say this game really pullled me in. I have actually put off playing a replay until the enhanced version is released. I'm really looking forward to giving it another run, and I almost never replay linear rpgs. :)


To the poster who is pissed about the size of the download because he has a crap internet connection - it seems kind of misguided to say that Projekt Red are jerks for not "releasing it right in the first place" - at least they made the effort to re-release and not penalize those who had purchased the un-enhanced original game, by making sure they can download it. A lot of companies would not do that in the first place. Or *coughBethesdacough* they might release random content and charge a dollar or three for it.

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I just pre-ordered mine at the local games shop. Can't wait for them to get it, the next two weeks are gonna go by slowly!


This is one of the more smarter moves a game company can make,in places like south africa, where internet connections are still not that great, sales are going to be high, as most people would rather buy the game again than strain their internet by downloading the whole thing.

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The Witcher is one of my favorite games. Unfortunately, I could not enjoy being able to install the free upgrade to the EE. The 1.4 Patch from the Polish website flat refused to execute under XP SP3.


This did not kill my enthusiasm for the game, so I went and purchased it from Stardock (Impulse). I'm missing some data, so I've got a support request in with Stardock.


For the techies out there, here's the error I saw on-screen:







@Windows XP Service Pack 3 (2600) IE 7.0.6000.16705


Clicked the "OK", window closed. Nothing else happening. Installer still in RAM, so I used the Task Manager to close it.


Lousy experience all around.


So I have two Witchers on my hard drive (different directories). The original Digital Download V1.3, and the one from Stardock - EE 1.4. But I don't have all of the files shown on thewitcher.com.

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Hello there, Varus Torvyn,


just for information, I'll forward your problem to some knowledgeable people at the official forums and I might return with a solution, if I have luck.

I presume the error came from the downloaded patch?

And if you could run pcwizard to get some infos and post it here?


Thank you :thumbsup:

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Hello there, Varus Torvyn,


just for information, I'll forward your problem to some knowledgeable people at the official forums and I might return with a solution, if I have luck.

I presume the error came from the downloaded patch?

And if you could run pcwizard to get some infos and post it here?


Thank you :thumbsup:

Thanks for the help, Silver. Which infos do you want? The first section (hardware), the .txt file is 73K, and all of Configuration is 646K. I'm supposing you want just hardware?

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Well, I'd presume hardware, but maybe the configuration could be vital too.

Easiest way would probaly be attaching them to a PM.


And you're welcome, Varus Torvyn :thumbsup:

Here's Hardware.



Can't add Configuration, that's 646K, & over the limit Dark0ne has set.

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