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Close view bug-hairless glitch


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Just as i said in the description,when i'm shoulders to the wall the view goes into my character ,i see inside him,he becomes bald.This occurs for the time i spend glued to the wall,after a couple of second after i get off the wall everithing returns into place.

For me is strange because i have lot o mods running but before i never noticed that.I only installed a new enb,that's all.Some of you have the same issue?Maybe it is some INI camera setting?or is it normal and i never noticed it since 11-11-11?My character has the last male hair,the very short one,maybe i never noticed before because i never used that hairstyle.


These are my INI camera settings














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I tried to deactivate every mod i have,and the glitch is still there...so just with AOF believable hair,but is only a retex...i really ignore what can be the cause
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I tried to deactivate every mod i have,and the glitch is still there...so just with AOF believable hair,but is only a retex...i really ignore what can be the cause


I have this problem as well, it happens when your POV gets too close/inside your character in Third-Person. I'm using CBBE v3 and Better Faces but unsure if that's the problem. In all honesty its the least noticeable glitch in my game so I don't really care to try and fix it. I don't think it's an ini setting because I had this glitch since I bought the game, may even be hardware related.


Just don't stand near walls and move your POV inside your char :D

Edited by Kalpon777
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Noticed this "bug" after installing XCE's mod, but i'm pretty sure it's this way by default.

I do not worry too much: if i need to take screenshots i can easily use two console commands:


tfc 1 -> freezes the game and let your camera move free

fov XX -> where XX is a number between 10 and 40 to zoom in the face of the char without passing through him

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fov XX -> where XX is a number between 10 and 40 to zoom in the face of the char without passing through him


By using this command so maybe it's possible to get rid off this little glitch,if the camera can go very near to the character then maybe it won't just go inside him.

Anyway i noticed this while playing in very tiny passages,where walls were very near all around the character,and by using an hairstyle that has no mesh but just textures like the almost shaved one(in fact in my case the hair texture disappear making me looking bald).I tried also with a char with hair mesh and he didn't become bald,just had the see through effect.Of course i can get rid of it by playing in 1st person where i see fit,even if that disturbs me because i always want to see perfection and realism:(

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