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ACE + other mods troubleshooting


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So heres a picture of my load order:

As you may be able to tell, half of these were installed via steam workshop and the rest through NMM or manual installs.


My issue currently is surrounding blacksmithing.


as far as I can tell I only have 2 mods that affect blacksmithing:


ACE, and Armoury of tamriel.


The problem is that I seem to have items from both in my blacksmithing tabs.


As in, I'll have the option to create Basic Iron/Steel, Breton iron(found a book) which is all from my knowledge from Armoury. But I also have Iron Weapons, etc that aren't basic. which I'm guessing are from ACE...


So how do I get these guys to play together? I overwrote the armoury ESP with the one from the ACE compatibility patch list. BTW.


I forgot to mention, possibly not related but everytime I do anything in Wrye Bash It says that my load order was messed up. Not sure why, it doesn't seem to do anything after.

Edited by duncandun
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