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Thieves Guild Bug


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Hey there. I have come across an odd issue with joining the thieves guild after recently doing a fresh reinstall of Skyrim and drastically paring down the mods that I use. I'm hoping that someone here can help me out, perhaps with a console code or something. Anyway, so this is the issue.


When doing the quests to join the guild, I have no problems completing the ring planting quest, the getting to thr Ragged Flagon, or the shaking down the merchants. This all works perfectly. However, once handing in the quest to Brynjolf and being told to follow him to see what the outfit is all about, the problem begins. I follow Brynjolf into teh cistern, and next thing I know, everyone including Brunjolf is attacking me. I simply cannot proceed with the quest.


What I have tried:


Following him straight away. If too fast through the door, he gets stuck just inside with the cart.

Following him after a delya. He is nowhere to be seen, and again I get attacked.

Reloading an earlier save.

Starting a new game and going directly to do these quests, even before going to Whiterun.

As above, but with a vanilla race in case it was an issue with the Ohmes Raht mod.

Checking my mod list for conflicts - I have installed NOTHING that should affect the guild gameplay. All I have done is retextured the guild armor.

I also have a mod that improves the guild leader armor, there seems to be a thief on the road to Riverwood wearing it that attacks me. Perhaps this is the issue when I kill him, though I am not sure how it could be that.


Hopefully, someone can help me. I don't really want to have to do a fresh reinstall yet again, but this IS my favourite series of quests in the game, and I would prefer to not have to play a non-thiefy character just because this seems to be bugged.


Edit: I have now also tried using the console to further the quest, but since TG02 hasn't te4chnically started (is not showing in my journal to follow Brynjolf of talk to Mercer) this doesn't help either.

Edited by witchthief
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Try disabling the mods and then do the quests. And also could you provide the update version of the game. Older versions have bugs that the new once fix.
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There's a console code for factions that supposed to add them on your good side that I seen in another thread, but I didn't track that thread and help threads move quickly here this site having a lot of members so I can't find that thread that had the faction fix suggestion sorry :unsure:


it might be this from wikia console commands


Addtofaction 0005A1​A4 1 adds an NPC to the player ally faction, which will make a normally hostile NPC no longer hostile towards the player.


there might be a group version too, but I'm not 100% sure on that

Edited by sinnerman69
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I am having this same issue. oddly enough i did the same thing you did deleted mods, deleted all skyrim folders & reinstalled game. I have tried every method to fix this & have started multiple new games and everytime i get the same result. Another interesting thing is you mentioned being attacked by the thief on the way to riverwood this is also happening to me every time i start a new game & he has master armor on & its lootable. I hae been wondering if this is part of the problem. Do you have any idea what mod is triggering that thief to be there?
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Wow, thats the one thing i haven't done. I did just uninstall & reinstall then reactivated most of my mods and i'm trying again it will be a few days before i can play again though. I ran into the "wettrigger" errror this time & just got that fixed. I will keep you updated if I find a solution. I am trying the 1.7 beta patch with this reinstall just to see if anything changes.
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