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Nightingale sentinel.


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Hello. I am currently doing the darkness returns quest for the thieves guild to return the skeleton key to the twilight sepulcher and my journal entry right now says "speak to the nightingale sentinel" but when i approach him no option for speak to nightingale sentinel shows up so I can't talk to him, he just stands there doing nothing and i cant speak to him, does anyone know what is wrong?
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I don't know the answer, but when I have problems like that, I usually going back to the last person I talked to related to the quest, run though every dialogue option to make sure I didn't miss a trigger of some sort, then go back to the place I was. Also sometimes just going out, closing the game, and then reopening it and going back in works. Sorry my answer isn't better, but I saw no one else had an answer for you either, so I figured at the least you would know someone was trying to help!
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