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DB gear


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Skyrim is a astonishing game, but it comes with a lack of outfits.

When I said, lack of outfits, I mean there are no outstanding gear for example, in the Dark Brotherhood, the Armor is so ugly that I don't use.

.....as I said the DB must be like this, in my opinion: :devil:



- this is a misc of Lich King's Armor ( without pauldrons, cuirass, leg protectors and arm protectors)

- Lich King's Boots

- Lich King's Mask of Shadows

- Death Dealer's Armguards

- Death Dealer's Ring

- Furhood


......... Well, this is my point of view


.....if you have other opinion and other Armor who fits better in DB, please post here. :thumbsup:

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The thing people keep forgetting about Skyrim is that it's supposed to be an ersatz Viking culture. It draws from Pan-Slavic, Germanic, and Russian culture and styles. Much as I like Art of Magicka mod, for example, I disagree with some of the design decisions, such as the mod creator's assertion that the Mage Guildmaster's robes are hideously ugly. The styles presented in Skyrim have a lot of fur, rough sinew stitching, worn leather, and heavy, blackened iron. People seem to want generic fantasy styles, which was actually one of my primary complaints with Oblivion - it replaced the interesting and idiosyncratic style of Morrowind with the usual pseudo-medieval style more usually seen on the covers of bad fantasy novels.


The picture you've posted is fine, but it's not Skyrim. It needs more dirty fur, more narwhal horns, more scary metal Sutton Hoo mask and less Skeletor-does-steroids.

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Yes, I know Skyrim is cold place and in the Skyrim stile all armor has a lot of fur and horns, but the DB outfit doesn't have any fur, is all leather. :thumbsup:


P.S. also the thieves Armor or the Nightingale Armor are all leather, and by your point of view none of these Armor fits in Skyrim stile. :biggrin:


I just said that this armor that fits better with the character of evil, which is what the DB is. :devil:

Edited by sergiobor
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Uh, I'm not even going to comment that picture :P



I liked the original concept art for DB clothes and armor for Skyrim. But for some reason they really messed it up in the end. Especially the clothes just turned out goofy after making them more puffy and shorter. WHY, BETHESDA, WHY? :( Oh well, luckily there are a bunch of mods to choose from. I havent changed them yet, but will look around as soon as I start their quest-line again. Armor is pretty okay as it is, but could at least really use another cloak.


Also, the Dark Brotherhood is not a nord organization, so I think they should follow the same fashion they had in Oblivion, with tight leather armor and full robes rather than fur and horns.



Made a quick comparison on the clothes. Quite a difference. Frustrating thing is that the original 3d-model was exactly as the concept. Where the hell did it go so wrong?




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Yea I know people have different tastes but I even prefer the vanilla to that


The best DB mod is The Black Sacrament/Black Tower mod. It gives some lovely variants on the nightingale armour for assasins.

Edited by luzburg
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Yea I know people have different tastes but I even prefer the vanilla to that


The best DB mod is The Black Sacrament/Black Tower mod. It gives some lovely variants on the nightingale armour for assasins.



this was the one I ended up using Deadly Serious Shrouded Armor for the dark brotherhood, I don't like having a lot of extra building's in my game and I already have the levelers tower mod and didn't wont conflicts or have to sleep with someone just to get better gear!..

Edited by sinnerman69
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.....as I said the DB must be like this, in my opinion: :devil:


Subtle! I like the Mourner's Dress, Shrouded Hood (best looking in the game IMO) and either Jester's, or Thalmor Boots/Gloves. For male avatars, wear the Stormcloak instead of the Mourner's dress. Personal preferance, i don't get the idea of an Assassin walking around town with a Black Hand tatooed on his forehead, and more skulls than an SS uniform. Aren't assassins supposed to be about stealth, subterfuge, and infiltration? All that chrome is about as good for Sneaking as a Las Vegas marquis flashing:


V See the Assassin!i! V




Or, for comparison:



Also a big fan of Hooded Robes for Assasins/Nightblades, Necroarchers...



Note, the predominant color is Black, with possible highlites in Red (like the hood lining) or Yellow (Piping on the Jester's/Thalmor sets.) Regardless, it looks like something you could hide in shadows, or maybe disguise as some sort of Mage. I also play "Hitman", meaning changing into disguises to RP a cover story, such as Bandit, Mage, Courior, or faction uniforms.



(The Ulfric variant is on the far right.)

Edited by Psiberzerker
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Here's something I threw together with the costume creator from City of Heroes which is close to the sort of image I have in mind for a Skyrim Dark Brotherhood assassin, a sort of Viking ninja who looks streamlined and acrobatic, but still with a Norse aesthetic.



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