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In what order should i install these mods?


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Hey guys first post hear great site by the way.


Hoping to get some help so i can get the best experience out of Oblivion with these Mods i have. I have had to reinstall this game for the 3rd time now from Steam i am fairly new to the mods stuff but fastly figuring it out & just want you guys opinions on the order i should install these mods in OBMM so i don't overwrite needed stuff.


Akatosh Retxture

Alive Waters

All natural

Alternate Start

Ambient Dungeons

Animated Window Lighting System

Atmospheric Oblivion

Better Cities Resources

Better Nightsky

CM Better Wines

Dynamic Map

Enhanched Cobwebs

Fast Exit

Fine Weapons

Improved Facial Textures

Illumination Within Revived

Immersive Interiors

Improved Fires & Flames

Improved Fruits Vegies & Meats

Improved Trees & Flora 2

Improved Trees & Flora 2 Update



Madness Armour Retex

Mehrunes Dragon Alt Textures

Mehrunes Dragon Retex


Mythic Animals High Res Part1

Mythic Animals High Res Part2

Mythic Creatures

Mythic Ghosts & Goblins

Natural Enviroments

Oblivion Stereo Sound Overhaul






Rusty Items

Streamline 2.1

Symphony of Violence

Unique Landscapes Compilation

Unique Landscapes Compatibilty Patches

Unofficial Oblivion Patch

Shivering Isles Unofficial Patch

v5_Slath_Clothing and Armour Replacer



Wyre Brash Python


Also let me know if i should remove any of these mods & replace any cheers oh and if something asks me to overwrite when in OBMM do i click yes or no that part really confuses me. :/

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BOSS was initially a tool made for Oblivion to sort load order. It works really well and can be found here. Also, in almost all cases you will overwrite all when installing mods.

Thanks mate.


I already have OBMM, BOSS & Wyrebrash forgot to mention this.


Edit: I think it was the Unique Landscapes or Qarls Texture Pack but it asks me if i want to overwrite one of the Unofficial Patches so i just click yes to everything i install then?

Edited by sshano
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First, start the game with Nothing ticked. Make a save right away. This initializes the ini files that are needed to play. After that first save, you can start adding mods. I like to leave the DLCs unticked at first as they will start giving you messages right away. The original intent was you finish the main quest - then start on the DlCs. Most of the DLCs can be done before the main quest is finished though.


Basically if you are new to Oblivion, don't tick the quest mods for a while. You are not yet powerful enough to do them anyway. Do tick the mods that improve the appearance of your character, the mods that improve the appearance of the world, any mods that will affect XP or leveling. Go ahead and do most of the main quest - don't be afraid to go off track and do things that are not part of the main quest as you will level up quicker that way.


If you don't feel like doing the main quest right away, no problem there are lots more things to do. a dozen or so secondary quest lines - like mages guild, Dark Brotherhood, thieves guild, fighters guild. Buy a house to keep your loot - or sell it as fast as you get it Whatever, have fum. :thumbsup:

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