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Problems with Clothing patches by NPR


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hey, first of all im quite new to all these oblivion mods just starded a hour ago because to game starts beeing broing without any mods :)


so now my problem, i installed a few mods with nexus mod manager, all worked finde until the Argent Armor S M H cup and Bikini for HGEC (http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/19529) i installed it with nexus mod manager, but as i start oblivion i dont know where i should search these clothes? In other clothing mods are descriptions wehre i could find it, but NPR's despriciton is just:

,,I am not good at English. So enough support is not possible, please understand it'' so, as i said i got no idea where i could find the clothes ingame, if anyone know the mod could tell me where i get these clothes? NPR does quite a few mods i saw and no desprcitons tells where the clothes are ingame :(

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From the mod description:

Please look at ScreenShot of in the place of the armor

Either look on the screenshots tab or look here (and that's the Arena District in the Imperial City if you don't recognize it).

Edited by Striker879
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