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Barrelshop - Yellow Warning signs everywhere


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Hi, I have a problem with this mod:


I really want to use some outfits and not replace the vanilla ones. But when installing this standalones' shop I can't see any barrel at all. There are yellow warning inside and outside (in front of door).

I've already installed:

- HGEC female bodies (I use Fighter Underwear).
- Robert Male bodies (I use HeavyMuscular)
BBB compatible skeleton (I use Corroneras)
BBB compatible animations recommended (NoMaaM) -> I've already installed the Low-Key.
And of course the ESP shop along the meshes and textures (I copy-pasted them 3 times already). There's a bag in TestingHall with every armor and I can open and use them. The problem is in the shop, in the barrels for some reaason. And in the outside too.
Also the icons look like glitching pixelated squares (look up missingno) but the clothes are fine.
It's too laggy to use the barrel at TestingHall.
ArchiveInvalidator doesn't say it's conflicting with another mod.
Is there any barrel texture missing?
Please help!
Edited by 0303456
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The game's error code for missing meshes is a big yellow exclamation mark, with grey text saying "I'm a missing mesh".


From what I can tell looking at the extracted download you should have MiddleBarrelTopped03_RedSilver.nif located in Data\meshes\FLY\Architecture (along with some other NIFs like Sign_TheRedBarrel.nif, ICTowerTop01,nif etc). If you don't have those in exactly that folder path you've messed up the installation somehow.

Edited by Striker879
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Yes, I have all of this:

* GrapesRedStatic.NIF

* ICTowerBottom0.NIF

* ICTowerMiddle01.NIF

* ICTowerTop01.NIF

* MiddleBarrelTopped03_RedSilver.NIF

* Sign_TheRedBArrel.nif

* StaticSurilieWine.nif

* StaticTamikaWine.nif

* trfplantpot01.nif

* trfplatform.nif



Idk what grey text you're talking about, I only see a hundred of yellow triangles from the roof to the floor, in every corner there's a BIG yellow triangle going through the walls . Idk how to take screenshot while in-game but it's all yellow, you have to crouch to see the floor, the chimney and the rug. Also every NPC inside the store is a floating creepy face.

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Yes, but what is the exact and complete folder path to those files (see where I have now bolded the part I'm asking for in my previous post)?

Edited by Striker879
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Oh, right. I followed the exact folder path you told me, otherwise I wouldn't track it because I'm dumb xD.

Yes those files are in Data\meshes\FLY\Architecture (along with a folder called "paintings" in the same folder).


Could it be that the error is in the ".NIF" with caps on?

Edited by 0303456
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The upper case shouldn't make any difference. You could try changing that but I would think that seen as that's the way the mod has always been you'd see a bunch of complaints in the mod comments similar to yours.


Looking at the barrel NIF in NifSkope I see the textures pointing to the Data\textures\fly\architecture folder. The specific files in that folder that the barrel itself are pointed at are barrel03top_red.dds, metalbracerusty03_silver.dds and woodpanel02_red.dds ... all of those files are in the extracted download so I imagine you have them installed as well.


Something that occurs to me is what texture size do you have set in the Options menu? If it's not already set to large try changing texture size to large.


To take screenshots the default key is the Prt Scr key (usually next to the Scroll Lock and Pause keys). Screenshots are saved in your game's Oblivion folder.

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Texture size? Do you mean the details of the textures (objects, NPCs, distance, etc.)? I already put them all to the right and I can still see the yellow warnings.

What about anti-aliasing and those weird settings? I can't use HDR light because mygame turns completely black (my notebook is quite old).

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No in the Video Options menu you should have a spot where you can select small, medium or large texture size. If you are on an older laptop chances are the game auto-set medium or small for texture size and the Barrelshop is probably set up to work only with large.


If your laptop is limited in capability I'd stay away from setting anti-aliasing etc (you are probably using an on-board chipset for video ... not the ideal solution for this game).

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Ah, I know which setting. My game is in Spanish and I thought it was the "Performance setting" so I set it low. But when changing it to high or large didn't fix it.

I also disabled all my other mods just in case and I still see the yellow warnings.

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