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Poisonous Gas in Angarvunde


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So I have no idea if this is from a mod or not but in the passage where the final draugr stands and inside the chamber where the word wall is there is this clear but visible gas that practically insta-kills me. I've tried sprinting through and immediately healing with magic or potion but it gets me again and I end up dying again. So I can't get to that word wall or the treasure.

Don't think this gas was in vanilla Skyrim.


Does anyone have a/the mod that does this? Any help on getting past?



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I will give this a try... eventually if I decide to become the Dragonborn. Don't think I've done the main quest in at least a year or two. But thanks for the suggestion none the less.


I tried a healing potion, a healing spell and also a cure poison potion - death (and it's real fast, I barely have time to react before the gas gets me).


When I return to Angarvunde eventually I will try figure it out again. I watched tutorials on how to get through Angarvunde on YouTube - there was no gas. So it must be a mod.


Anyway, thanks again.

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Forgot about become ethereal.


A mod might add the no resist flag to a poison so the only way too combat it is to heal until the effect wears off.

The only mod that ive come across that does this is Skytoxin which also makes cure poison potions useless.And since it also greatly increases the lethality of poisons in the game it makes spiders,chaurus,poison traps etc very dangerous and difficult too combat.




There might be other mods out there that also do something like that as well.

Edited by kryten397
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