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console command?


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Just installed FNV from Steam on a new computer. Downloaded 4gb patch and installed according to instructions. Launched once from new exe and then from nvse. My question is, is there a console command to tell if 4gb patch is running when I launch from nvse, or if nvse is running when I lauch from FNV.exe?
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Which 4GB patch? There are four.


There are also comments pages for each one and you would probably find your answer by reading some of the answers to those comments.


If you are using the FNV 4GB Patcher by RoyBatterian, it is all explained on the mod description page.


If you are using the 4GB Fallout New Vegas Updated by RoyBatterian, it is also explained on the mod description page.

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Thanks for your reply, I did not realize that.


I just checked and it is Roy Battys update.


I have another question. What does he mean by "default launcher"? My default launcher for FNV is nvse, as my dedfault launcher for Skyrim is skse and for SSE it is skse64.


I play offline so do not want to launch through Steam and putting another step in the process of launching the game by opening Steam and then opening your mod manager and then launching your game seems silly to me. I am, after all, an extremely lazy person. I do not know if creating a shortcut of FNV exe will work but I suppose I can try that.


He does not say if launching by my default launcher ie nvse will cause the patch to run. So I am back to my original question

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The default launcher is the game .exe.


The way you can tell the 4GB is working is you launch the game with FNV4GB.exe, as explained on the mod description page.


I guess you missed this: "FNV4GB will automatically load and execute NVSE if detected."

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I would be happy to do that if I had a FNV4GB.exe. When I ran the FNV patch exe. like the instructions said, to run as an administrator. i was left with the FNV.exe, which I assumed was the patched exe and the backup exe which was named FalloutNVpatch.exe. According to the instructions that was all I was supposed to have.


I do realise, and did read that if I launched from any of the platforms that were mentioned in the mod instructions that nvse would load. What I am trying to find out is if I launch from nvse will the FNV4GB patch load?


Let me apologize for the first part of my post, I am an idiot. I had the backup exe on my desktop and was moving it to my FNV Saves folder; not to be confused with the FNV saves in Documents\etc, and when i opened the folder to paste it in there I saw the FNV4GB.exe. I must have moved it there instead of the backup exe by mistake after I ran the patcher.


I have made a shortcut of the FNV4GB.exe and put it on my desktop and am going to launch the game from there. It's not that I do not trust that nvse will load launching from that it's just that I am one of those "trust but verify" people. I guess I will have it verified when I install some mods that use nvse.


Anyway, thank you for your replies and I apologize for being such a nuisance.

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