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Weird Rabbits and Chicken deaths


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So, all of a sudden, rabbits and chickens don't have a death animation. They just walk in place when they die. I can still loot them etc. They are fully dead, but they walk in place. Not sure how this happened. I would guess something to do with animation mods, but I only have about 70 animations total added to the game (and yes I ran FNIS). This issue only happens with chickens and rabbits.


I can tolerate this problem as it is very minor and involves the two animals I have the least interaction with. But I'm curious as to what went wrong and why this is happening. Does anyone know of anything similar to this? I also want to make sure the problem doesn't get worse. So far it hasn't but just in case. I double checked my load order, everything seems good. Necessary cleaning has been done, mods are up to date, etc.



The load order if needed. The glitches did not seem to start with any particular mod. My most recent mod is Aetherial Palace but as far as I can tell, no one else with that mod has this problem so it's unlikely to be the culprit (especially considering it is a home mod).



0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
6 6 hdtHighHeel.esm
7 7 ApachiiHair.esm
8 8 ApachiiHairFemales.esm
9 9 ApachiiHairMales.esm
10 a RaceCompatibility.esm
11 b Apachii_DivineEleganceStore.esm
12 c Vampire Slavers Den v2.0.esm
13 d FNIS.esp
14 e SkyUI.esp
15 f RaceMenu.esp
16 10 RaceMenuPlugin.esp
17 11 XPMSE.esp
18 12 RaceMenuMimic.esp
19 13 Brows.esp
20 14 REP_Tattoos.esp
21 15 Fachry Raven the Titan Follower.esp
22 16 EyesFix.esp
23 17 Merta Assassin Tattoos.esp
24 18 Eyes of Aber.esp
25 19 ParticleField.esp
26 1a Animated Dragon Wings.esp
27 1b Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp
28 1c KillCurse.esp
29 1d DACH.esp
30 1e Apachii_DivineEleganceStore_Patch.esp
31 1f RavenCastle.esp
32 20 LairOfDarkness.esp
33 21 Glowtastic.esp
34 22 Harry Potter Spells.esp
35 23 DarkEnvoy.esp
36 24 SummonVampireCattle.esp
37 25 SuccubusRaceLite.esp
38 26 Merta Assassin Armor.esp
39 27 MoonWitch.esp
40 28 Draconic Bloodline.esp
41 29 lilithssickle.esp
42 2a RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
43 2b FNIS_PCEA2.esp
44 2c VioLens.esp
45 2d FNISSexyMove.esp
46 2e RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp
47 2f CROSS_Crucible.esp
48 30 Warlock axe Nexus.esp
49 31 Masamune.esp
50 32 DragonBoneBikini.esp
51 33 TweaksMagicTouchCrafting.esp
52 34 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
53 35 Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp
54 36 Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp
55 37 SCS_RacePatch_Succubus.esp
56 38 Bashed Patch, 0.esp

Edited by WakahisaSensei
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What animations did you add related to creatures or animals? I don't see anything in your mod list that should cause this. VioLens is the only one that should deal with their deaths, but I've never heard of it causing this and I would expect it to be more than just chickens and rabbits if that were the cause.


It could be a skeleton issue possibly, but XPMSE is the only skeleton related mod I see in your list and it does not impact these two animals.

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What animations did you add related to creatures or animals? I don't see anything in your mod list that should cause this. VioLens is the only one that should deal with their deaths, but I've never heard of it causing this and I would expect it to be more than just chickens and rabbits if that were the cause.


It could be a skeleton issue possibly, but XPMSE is the only skeleton related mod I see in your list and it does not impact these two animals.

i added no mods that deal with creature animations. The only animation mods I have are FNIS PCEA (which includes a few player animations plus one I added for Sephiroth animations) and FNIS sexy walk. Maybe animated dragon wings counts but maybe not. Either way, all of them deal strictly with the player and not animals. It's very weird because I've used all of these animation mods before without this problem. In fact there part of my standard setup. This problem is relatively new. I wonder if one of the mods I installed got corrupted or something in the process. But again, the most recent mod was a home mod. Wouldn't quite make sense.

Edited by WakahisaSensei
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  • 4 weeks later...

I just started having this problem too. I have 7016 animations in my game so Its hard to even imagine what mod could be causing this! I have 180 mods loaded and not having any crashes whatsoever. I just downloaded Violens most recently and simple face to face cam so im wondering if its something to do with that.

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I just started having this problem too. I have 7016 animations in my game so Its hard to even imagine what mod could be causing this! I have 180 mods loaded and not having any crashes whatsoever. I just downloaded Violens most recently and simple face to face cam so im wondering if its something to do with that.

I've never had any trouble with violens. As for face to face, never used that one. If I had to guess between the two, I'd guess the latter.

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