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Game/Music/Movie Piracy


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Ive read interesting article about piracy on web and how some people resent pirates well gj because for sure YOURE one of them!

a lot of people ive met including friends who work at the police brag about they never had any pirated game/movie/music...well in this case people are either stupid or denial by their own mistakes...


Firstly i never met anyone who doesnt have pirated material,and people who dont ave pirated material are extremely rare these days...


I wanna ask you only this community is it fault of the pirates who make cracks or pirated material or WE who download it just to see the contents or try that certain content or music even or movies...WAKE up youre pirate yourself...


I posted this because of simple curiousity of people and their actions...pirates and pirating are with us for more than 100 years,and did the world did something about it? NO.


EDIT: Move this topic pls to the OFF topic section.







Edited by DrGrimm
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