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ENB help


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hey im very new when it comes to ENBs and not quite sure what im trying to find out of whats available
im trying to enhance the whole "Dungeon Crawler" kind of aesthetic
so far i know i want bloom to make all these glowing things in my game look real pretty

anyone got suggestions?

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There are a lot of enbs some enb's are not very friendly for performance but they look pretty like Snapdragon and then there is the low end like project enb. I would check out some youtube videos on differences. I will tell you I run Rudy enb and I use it because I can run it a long side 400 mods at 60fps and it looks great.


What kind of tech are you running?

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Your tech looks like it can handle pretty much any enb but I will tell you. Some ENB's are so extensive like Snapdragon enb or Tetrachromatic that all they are good for is taking screenshots and then swapping them out for one you can game play with. I use a ENB swapping tool where I can swap between enb's in like 2 minutes but that is kinda of advanced as it can give you problems.....


Here is a great video that shows you differences..



I'm not even kidding here but it took me almost a year to finally settle down and get my 2 enbs working perfectly and that is Rudy enb and Snapdragon enb. My advice for you is to do some research and once you get your enb running download "skyrim performance monitor" and check out the numbers to make sure your PC is running fine. If I give you some of enb's that I've used in the past it would do you no good since it's all personal preference. But here are the ones that I have used with great results.....Realvision, Project ENB, Rudy ENB and Snapdragon. If you want to see some of my photos look at my profile and go to my images. Good luck and check out that video.

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