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CK doesn't export FaceGen data on saving esp


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i'm having some trouble with SE CK and so far haven't been able to find a solution. From what I've read the CK automatically exports all FaceGen data edited by the saved ESP but this isn't the case for me. I use MO2 and I've checked the overwrite, the mod and the actual game folder in search for these files but to no avail. anyone have a clue what might be wrong?

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Hmm, I haven't read the same thing. Just google "darkface bug" or "blackface bug".


I've only done this once. Loaded up someone else's mod, and the lone npc in it had the blackface. I loaded the mod in the CK, found the NPC in the list, hit CTRL-F4 and it then generates the facegen/facetint mask or whatever it's called. Sorry it's not right in front of me.. But that worked for me.


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To export facegens, two things need to be happen


1), you need to highlight the actors formID from within the actors tree, not 'All'.


2) Even more important, be sure IS CHARGEN FACE PRESET is UNCHECKED. If that box is checked, the CK will not generate or export any facegen data.

Edited by Mebantiza
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