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Crash with only a few mods.

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I only have a few mods for FO3(mainly the most popular ones MMM FWE and AA.)But the crash happens when I'm Captured by the enclave right after the retrieval of the GECK also happens every so often unlike FNV I don't have a lot of mods as I said sent I felt FO3 was near perfect.is their a way I can detect the crash I doubt its my load order.
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If I recall correctly, it tends to crash if you have iguanas in your inventory (I think it was live iguanas). If that's the case, drop any iguanas you're carying and go get captured.
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fo3 crashes a lot on 64bit windows without mods try vegas a lot less buggy and look out for the supreme deathclaw mod

Ehh I played the crap out of vegas with mods so I uninstalled it like a few hours ago I had way to many mods but Ill check it out thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have 489 mods on NewVegas plus the DLCs and I have yet to crash on NV. Opposite story on FO3 where I may have about 15 mods on the goty edition and still not able to run it. On FO3, I just put the game back up today and still have yet to play. ;-) Edited by Papajack55
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Fallout 3 runs fine on Win7. It will freeze if you multithread audio or have a 4 core. Though you can set those tweeks an fix the issue. Then using the 4Gb enabler resolves the memory crash issue. Clean your mods & merge patch then you just avoided crashing altogether. In testing it's as stable as FNV is or as stable as FO3 ever was on 32 bit windows XP. 8 hours without crash for any game is outstanding. There's still save game coruption to look out for on both games.


Fallout 3 is watered down Oblivion/Skyrim. So what does that make Vegas. It makes it watered down 2X Oblivion/Skyrim. Nobody cares about it. It's like Fallout, What's that? So what I'm saying is that last thing we need is to claim that FNV or FO3 is better than the other. When clearly they both suck. Otherwise Skyrim would be called Fallout. It would be much more fun if we all stuck our tongues out at TES instead. Thus keeping with the long tradition of Fallout players being "jerks".


:P Stupid TES :P :P :P lol


Just kidding,

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Fallout 3 runs fine on Win7. It will freeze if you multithread audio or have a 4 core. Though you can set those tweeks an fix the issue. Then using the 4Gb enabler resolves the memory crash issue. Clean your mods & merge patch then you just avoided crashing altogether. In testing it's as stable as FNV is or as stable as FO3 ever was on 32 bit windows XP. 8 hours without crash for any game is outstanding. There's still save game coruption to look out for on both games.


Fallout 3 is watered down Oblivion/Skyrim. So what does that make Vegas. It makes it watered down 2X Oblivion/Skyrim. Nobody cares about it. It's like Fallout, What's that? So what I'm saying is that last thing we need is to claim that FNV or FO3 is better than the other. When clearly they both suck. Otherwise Skyrim would be called Fallout. It would be much more fun if we all stuck our tongues out at TES instead. Thus keeping with the long tradition of Fallout players being "jerks".


:P Stupid TES :P :P :P lol


Just kidding,


Like I said, I just put the game up yesterday, and what I meant by that, which I should have been more clear about, (my apologies) is that I took my game off completely, mods, game, inis, pref, everything. I started all over with nothing but just the game. I used the multi-core fix and it still doesn't go past the start a new game. I hit the new game, wait a few seconds, and it goes black and back to the desktop again. As usual it states "Fallout Has stopped working." lol Nothing new there, huh?


Anyway, no mods now, just the GOTY edition, not steam, set to low to be careful, got the multicore code in, even trying the enabler to see if it'll work or not. No go. There were no mods to clean, nothing. It was a clean game all along.

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