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Does anyone know what causes this?


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And how to possibly fix it?


It's been happening on and off for a long time now, and only when I look straight down, I get this odd semi transparent rectangular object.

I'm wondering if it's a goofed ENB setting or possibly an ini setting that went out of whack, or tweaked too far.

It's completely random when it shows up, and it will show up anywhere, day, night, indoor and out.




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Is this an object without color, or is this exactly what you see when this occurs always?


It's exactly what I see. When I move the camera straight down, it slides into the center of my view.

The only way to make it go away is exit the game completely, then restart. But it always manages to come back, sometimes not for a while, sometimes right away.

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Do you have a mod dealing with ground textures? I'm no expert but It could be a problem with a mod.


Kinda looks like your own personal "marshmallow" snack perpetually at the ready ;) But seriously, yeah, I'd agree that it looks to be either the result of an artifact "beneath" you that's covering ground textures... OR, is it an artifact on some clothing/weapon that you're carrying, and you're seeing part of it "stick" into view?


I remember playing around with one of the Witcher2 clothing mods, and depending on my FOV setting, sometimes I'd suddenly see the wolfhead necklace pop into view at the bottom of my screen during certain animations.


Just a thought...

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Do you have a mod dealing with ground textures? I'm no expert but It could be a problem with a mod.


Yes, but this happens indoors, outdoors, in dungeons, etc.

I don't have a single mod that covers all ground textures, separate tex mod for outdoor terrain, separate for dungeons, interiors etc.


I'm just asking and posting the photo hoping someone may have encountered this, it's a long shot but it would help me pinpoint if it is a mod, an enb setting etc.

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Do you have a mod dealing with ground textures? I'm no expert but It could be a problem with a mod.


Kinda looks like your own personal "marshmallow" snack perpetually at the ready ;) But seriously, yeah, I'd agree that it looks to be either the result of an artifact "beneath" you that's covering ground textures... OR, is it an artifact on some clothing/weapon that you're carrying, and you're seeing part of it "stick" into view?


I remember playing around with one of the Witcher2 clothing mods, and depending on my FOV setting, sometimes I'd suddenly see the wolfhead necklace pop into view at the bottom of my screen during certain animations.


Just a thought...


Hmm that might help pinpoint it, it does behave like a reflection or a flare would.

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Could you post your installed mods? Not the list of .esp plugins, but a list of all mod you have downloaded and installed.


I tracked it down.


It was this mod, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17130


They refer to it as a lightboard.


Sad really because besides that awful effect it worked really well. :/

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It could be a memory low indicator, especially if you have it happen randomly. do a system restart and shut off everything from your start-up you don't need. Shut down fraps or firefox, or media player, itunes, office loaders, adobe garbage, system monitors and the like. All this uneeded garbage gets dumped to apage file when your memory STARTS to get near capacity. The item rendered could get a hick-up if your extremely slow hard drive is taking valuable bandwidth across your bus, not to mention CPU as even more memory is used as it executes.


If you're running offline, unplug the RJ-45 plug from your NIC card and then turn off your antivirus, spyware and any other wear-wares you have running. Then start your game and see what you get. Normally with memory (or a bad driver), you'd get some extreme pixelation/a lock-ups, heavy stutter/latency or the like. Its hard to say what that "marshmellow" is without completely isolating every game parameter and hardware function being called by your game/CMOS / OS.



EDIT : there ya go. don't need to go through all that garbage i posted above. glad you got it back working :o)

Edited by Brandy_123
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