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Boss shows "checksum" on all mods.... Help please


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Please help me..... I am computer stupid and was reordering my mods. after the reorder I started getting massive crashes and especially from certain towns like Solitude and Riften. I checked my mods for load order (as per nexus mod manager) and every thing looks good. I ran Boss and it showed Checksums on all mods..... I don't understand what a checksum is or how to even attempt to fix the problems (out side of starting over from scratch)... I really need some advice on this one.... any help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance. I am running windows XP with an Amd Duel core 3000 MHz, Nvidia GPX 560 graphics card. and I baught my skyrim game from my local game store...


Also if its not too much to ask ..... how do if find out what version of Skyrim I have (ie. 1.5.xxxx , 1.6.xxxx) ? one more stupid question ...... For the life of me I cannot find my save game files in my file folders to check for bloated save files.....

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