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i need help >.< Skyrim is CTD'ing


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I cant remember what I did, but what I know is this:


Skyrim CTD's now.


I've used the NMM to turn off/uninstall all mods.

I've unchecked everything in the plugin section/data files.

I've even set the settings to lowest.

I've even tried updating to beta.

I also gave BOSS a shot, to see if it would help.


CTD everytime.

I'm at the point where I think I need to fresh install :/ unless someone can help me figure this out.

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i think that may be the problem, im just going to do the fresh install tomorrow sometime though, just so i know its at least going to work, before re-installing the nexus mods.
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Here is a link to my troubleshooting blog. .



If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.

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I haven't looked at the link just yet(have it open, but haven't gone to the tab yet).


I just did a fresh install, the workshop files didn't download, but apparently were all 'up to date', opened the nexus mod manager, all my mods were still in there apparently and, without turning any of the mods on, i hit play and it CTD.

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I just went through the CTD on game start section and it's not helping. i deleted mods via the NMM and nothing happens. i tried turning on this XFLMain.esm, since its the only esm i can see that wasn't on, and still CTD.


im out of idea's and since fresh install of the game didn't help, I think my computer just doesn't want to play skyrim anymore..

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-.- it didn't fresh install when it fresh installed.. i just deleted the folder and unsubbed from every workshop file, and im going to fresh install again. lol ill be back with news on if it works or not.
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