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Armor mods that are simply ~flattering~, not Skimpy.


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I'm under the impression that its impossible to make armor mods that are simply flattering, instead of incredibly sexualized and skimped out (often to ridiculous extremes), or incredibly un-flattering. Sometimes having little change at all from the male counterparts.

I'm talking form fitting armors, curves in the right places, some skin or no skin, depending on the armor itself.


I just can't seem to find any :/ :psyduck:

So. If you know flattering armors that don't look like something a hooker would wear for money, please share your links so I can just bookmark this thread to find reasonable armors/clothes when I need them (Including now. I'm really in the market for good looking armor. I've already got some great clothing that fits these descriptions, but no armor...)

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I would say to look for modded textures for Thieves Guild/Nightingale armor. Or, if you prefer heavy, look for modded Blades/Steel/Ancient Nord armor. I like the look for Dragonscale, but it also strikes me as a little impractical for fighting (especially that helmet). For clothes, nothing beats the jester outfit (IMHO).
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I would say to look for modded textures for Thieves Guild/Nightingale armor...


There's a very awesome (imo) TG Guild Master armour around here somewhere - hi-rez and form-fitting, with cool little potion vials strapped to one leg, for females (a bit of a mage-robe thing happening on the male version). There's also a nice Nightengale retext (can't recall if it has new meshes) that at least makes the cape into a kind of over-one-shoulder scarf that eliminates the brutal cape/weapon clipping.


It's tough for me to search at work, but if you search "guild master" and "nightingale" you should find 'em. I'll try and remember to post a link this evening if you can't find 'em. (Just saw your "bookmark" comment - I'll try and remember to come back later and post links.)

Edited by kevkiev
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Take a look at some of NPR's armours. The farthest they go is some bare thigh:



I'm rather fond of their Ritter armour:


Edited by McMutton
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Here's the TG Guild Master Armor I was mentioning. You'd have to add it via console if you don't intend to become GM


And here is the nightengale, though I'm not sure it's what you're looking for since the main feature the retext and the cape "fix".

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