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Vvargnestin- A fully restored Nordic Home (WIP)


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Ever got tired of seeing all those beautiful Nordic Dwellings covered in Rubble and moss? Well this is the mod for you.


Vvargnestin is a new, fully restored Ancient Nordic Home, complete with everything the ultimate Dragonborn could possibly need, including a full crafting room, display room, master bedroom and much more.


Customizable rooms and lighting effects mean that the player can choose to live in Vvargnestin whatever way they like, whether it be a tribute to the Dark Brotherhood, or to show their support to the Imperial Legion- The choice is yours.


Of course, every Dovahkiin needs some relaxation time. Sit and chill in the warm bath, and at the flick of a switch activate the soothing bubbles, or perhaps the refreshing showers. Change the colour of the waters to suit your mood, from a selection of Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red and Yellow.


Not the right time for relaxing? How about taking a trip down to the underground chasms, and fighting some resident Draugr? You could even choose to watch the Draugr fight each other, if you choose.


The power of the Ancient Nords is now yours.




Coming Soon














Edited by samv96UK
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