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Mouse causes game freeze


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Please can anyone suggest a cause for a weird issue I have?

I play Skyrim SE using a game pad on my PC. The mouse and keyboard are still active.


If I accidentally knock my mouse (which I am prone to do) the cursor sends the game view to the top, looking at sky or ceiling. And the game freezes rock solid.

I cannot get any in-game combination of keys to work. ALT Tab allows me to see Mod Organizer 2 as a preview. I can ctrl-alt-del and raise the Task Manager but that can only be seen in preview.

I sometime lose mouse control, too.


The only way out of the freeze is to physically restart the PC.

I have absolutely no other piece of software that behaves like this; not even Fallout 4. It is unique to Skyrim SE. I can't see any weird events in the system logs.


Environment: Win 10 home, i7-4790 16GB RAM, GTX980Ti, 21:9 GSync display using Truby9 and Complete Widescreen Fix for SkyUI. Neither mod has any posts / bug reports for this freeze.

Game is not in the C:Program Files.


In hope, thanks!



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