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So I just notice my char was luggung around alot more wieght than I thought she should be. So I dropped everything, and she was still carrying 60 pounds. When to a temple (even though I didn't see any kind of curse) and sure enough that had no effect. Tried loading, then exiting oblivion and loading. Tried all repairs in wyrebash. Nothing changed the fact my character is somehow lugging around an extra sixty pounds.


Two questions. What the hell could possibly cause this, and what can I do to fix it?


Running FCOM, plus a few more if it matters. My game has been, I thought, running pretty stable, but I just started the main quest and this occured, I am pretty sure, inside an ablivion gate. if that helps.


Anyway, as always, thanks for any feedback.

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I believe there is also some bug where the player will get false weight added to them from something, forget the specifics.


If it really bothers you, you could probably just use console to decrease encumberance. Just use player.modav encumberance -60 and it should provide enough offset. However you should probably make sure that it isn't from something you're wearing or anything since I'm uncertain what will happen if you have a negative encumberance.

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i had this same problem when i first started playing. didnt know much of oblivion. i wanted to see all the armors, so i added them with the console commands.

i added all armors, but a few of hem dint work, like the imperial palace armor and mythic dawn, cuzz its "not playable". the armors are added to your inventory but you cant see them and therefor you cannot delete them from your inventory, and you're still stuck with the extra weight.


so my guess is that you added unplayable armors. you can fix this by using make all armors playable mods

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If you are patched to 1.2.0416, and you have the very latest UOP (Unofficial Oblivion Patch, Version 3.2.0) installed, then open up the Console, type this in:


startquest uop


You'll get a screen with the option to reset your weight to normal.


**Important** Make absolutely sure your character has absolutely nothing in the Inventory (just wearing his skivvies). Not even one ring, amulet, nothing. Then type in the command and select the weight option.


If you don't have the UOP installed & activated, then here's the download link for it (just make sure you're patched to 1.2.0416, and please read the Mod Description also): UOP Download Link

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Thanks I will try Varus' tip, then vagrants. Sounds like it will fix the problem.


And to be clear, yes I removed everything from my character, and no I haven't added anything to the game via console, I only use the console to solve bugs. I am playing several armor mods, but only the big ones (aramentorium, fran, ooo, etc) so it may be one of those.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Didn't work. Startquest uop identified my encumbrance as being 60 higher than it should be, said it fixed it, but it didn't. Player.modav encumbrence -60 added 60 to my max wieght. A fix I suppose, but I am unsatisfied with that. Dammit, when she's nekkid the wieght should read 0.


If anyone has any other ideas I would be grateful.

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Didn't work. Startquest uop identified my encumbrance as being 60 higher than it should be, said it fixed it, but it didn't. Player.modav encumbrence -60 added 60 to my max wieght. A fix I suppose, but I am unsatisfied with that. Dammit, when she's nekkid the wieght should read 0.


If anyone has any other ideas I would be grateful.



Have you double checked she doesn't have any weird diseases? Just a thought.

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Myrmaad beat me to it. I was JUST thinking that. Heck, I miss the text for 'catching a disease' 75% of the time. And it takes a while to even notice something is wrong due to the diseases not affecting all that much. Go to a church altar, pray, and see if that works. I don't even know if there's a list of all the diseases and what they do out there, but I'd be willing to bet theres one that causes burden.


Either that or an alien impregnated you while you were there...start watching to see if anything comes out of your chest. And hope it doesn't do like in Spaceballs...puts on a top hat, wields a cane and starts singing, " Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gaaaal"

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Yup, I checked. Said so my first post too. I have also (since my last post) tried BOTH stat fixer mods on this site. One told me it was adjusting my encumbrance by 120, but made no actual changes.


I have NO idea how this happened, and I think I may give up on this character, which really sucks. 120+ hours. Dammit.


Unless someone can be my hero on this anyway.


Edit for clarity.

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