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Just downloaded the new unofficial patch, and bashed. but got this message in a little box\


D:\Games\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py:514: DeprecationWarning: struct integer overflow masking is deprecated


D:\Games\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py:514: DeprecationWarning: 'H' format requires 0 <= number <= 65535



Do you have any idea?


Cool pictures by the way.


Oh, and myr. You just HAD to throw in the quip about the eight year old din't ya. I found the option to import faces fine, but I didn't see a method for importing stats.


No, I don't want a lolly.... well ok, I do.


Edit - Nevermind on the error. I rebashed without importing inventories and I got no error.

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Oh, and shadow. You just HAD to throw in the quip about the eight year old din't ya. I found the option to import faces fine, but I didn't see a method for importing stats.


No, I don't want a lolly.... well ok, I do.

ah hell.


Some days ya just can't win, ain't it the truth?


I've never used the UOP so I can't help at all there.


But I'll give you a quick and dirty tut for the Wrye face import thing. Check this message for an edit in 10 minutes or so, if I don't have another IRL crisis.

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Thank shadow, but the patch brings up the same menu as the startquest uop, and does the exact same thing.


Still, I needed the patch though so it's still a win.


Edit - Sorry myr, got you and shadow mixed up for a dsecond there... I edited my post to correct said mislabelling

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It's all right, I'm getting used to the abuse now. Most people seem to like to take things out on me.



What abuse, I thought it was funny and I knew he was talking to me. Anyway, did someone say something about a crisis! The best laid plans and all that. Well I'll get around to that face import thing in a bit, it's just going to have to wait a little longer! Sorry 'bout that.

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As far as hair and face imports, you'll have to learn that from others like Myrmaad. Those are my weak points but I am trying to learn some things about them. Once I set my mind to it, it doesn't take long.


Sorry, guess I was ticked at having trouble in the Bethesda forums. Got banned from it due to flaming some moderator's friend. I didn't flame, just defended myself, but oh well, it's for the best. I detest that site.

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Not sure what you mean by abuse... do I owe you an apology?


And myr, I figured out how to do the face/hair transfer, it was the stats I didn't find the options for.



Ok, follow the cursor:


First, find the savegame that does not have the face you want in it, the one you want to replace with the new face.

(It will probably be your newest new gamesave.)



Select it, and right-click to open the context menu, select "import face":



You'll get a new window to browse to find the savegame with the "Good" face, the face you want.

(This will be the bad savegame with the encumbrance issue):



Select it and click open:




You get the Import window, notice there are two different faces to choose from, I know that the top one is the right one by it's ID number,

(you can double check the ID number in the bad savegame, by opening the console and clicking your character, the form ID will be there with her name):



So then select the correct one if there's more than one, or the only one if there's only one there:



On the bottom right, you can see all the elements available for importing with the face, click to check the boxes you want.

(Name Race Gender Stats Class). If you want only the Face and the Stats, just check those. If you only want the Stats just check that.

If you only want the Face just click to check that one.



Once you have everything you want selected, click the IMPORT button. You'll get a message saying "Face Imported"



Open up your new game and find your old friend waiting for you :)

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I am humbled. That was the most thorough answer to any question I have ever asked (or seen) on any forum. Ever.


And with pictures.


I have to admit my error, I had to go somewhere, so all I did this morning was right click and look at the options, and select import face, selected my file, and when it came up with the box on which save to import to I exited.


Edit - Thanks to myr, and features of wyrebash I didn't know existed, I have started a new game with my beloved elven archer. Sans encumbrence glitch (and gear and accomplishments) and with a fresh new world. Thank you. Thank you very much. I woulda been OK starting the game over again, but starting it again WITH my old character is so much better. You guys rock. *goes to conquer oblivion*

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I had a similar problem quite a while back, though I wasn't using any large overhauls. In my case the problem was gold. I needed to use the gold coin bagger mod to drop the weight (took my forever to figure out this was the problem), but I seem to remember one of the larger overhaul mods adding weight to gold. Try using console commands to give your character a ridiculous amount of money and see if you're not carrying an extra ton of weight. If it does turn out to be the problem, gold coin bagger, or the Cyrodiil bank mod can help you keep your money while not weighing you down. Hope that helps.
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