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i used to have the spawning under water problem as well, im not sure what it was i got to do a complete reinstall thanks to the wonderfun (<--that was a mistype but i happen to think its a pretty awesome word so im leaving it.) deadly reflex :glare: mod. now i have argonians spawning under water but that seems kind of natural so im actually kind of happy about that.
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My load order was posted on page three, I believe. Minus the bank mod of course. And yeah, I have the latest uop patch. and tcw, I am using another mod instead of deadly reflex that seems to have far less glitches. Don't remember the name but it was discussed on page three and four. So far I like it better.


Edit - Shadow you looked at my load order, and cleaned it up a bit already (thanks again)

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ah, I thought you might have changed it. I seem to change mine all the time as I find new mods to add. There's over 18,000 and it seems like I'm trying to learn them all.lol.


Spawning underwater...Let me take a long hard look at it again. Hold on.


The only thing that mystifies me about your load order is this:


16 Oblivion.esp


What mod is this one? The rest of it looks pretty straight and the few things I told you that you didn't need wouldn't cause the spawn underwater. BTW, you're quest poor. Let me dig up a couple of great sites that tell the best mod quests....be right back with links.


The only others I can think of that might be the cause of the underwater spawn is the DLC stuff..and that's a guess because I don't have any of them. Modders do it better.

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Excellent big quest mods explanation site. You can probably get 95% of them off of Nexus.

Use this site for the bigger ones that Nexus doesn't have rather than Planet Elder Scrolls:



and one more:


http://devnull.devakm.googlepages.com/smallquests for smaller quests


Castle Ravenpride and Dungeons of Ivellon you'll have to get the English translations off of PlanetOblivion. Lazarus, who did WarCry, also did these.

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I will check those links, they sound interesting. As for oblivion.exp, it is a copy of shivering isles to ensure loading of fransiscos graphics. It was a suggested step on the FCOM homepage, so I followed the instructions there.


Oh, and here is another little glitch, after trying to remove that wieght in the imperial bank, and failing, I decided to vent my frustrations on a few gaurds. Racked up a bountly of sixteen grand and got knocked out. Decided to go to jail before I reloaded. But they sent me to the golden saint jail in the shivering isle. I did finish the shivering isles, but it makes no sense to me that I would be sent there.

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The wieght thing is just that one game. Even importing her face/stats didn't bring along the glitch. I wonder if I caused it by running a couple different gear mods, and removing the mods without removing the gear. But if that were the case I would have thought the uop fix would address it.


Yeah, you're right about the glitches being easy to ignore, they certainly aren't big deals. I spend no time in jail, and little underwater. Ther only thing is when I saw the bandits (twice now) I get a ctd fifteen to twenty seconds later.

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