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The wieght thing is just that one game. Even importing her face/stats didn't bring along the glitch. I wonder if I caused it by running a couple different gear mods, and removing the mods without removing the gear. But if that were the case I would have thought the uop fix would address it.


Yeah, you're right about the glitches being easy to ignore, they certainly aren't big deals. I spend no time in jail, and little underwater. Ther only thing is when I saw the bandits (twice now) I get a ctd fifteen to twenty seconds later.



Ok, I'm about to go get some sleep and will think on possible causes. When I get up I'll look around and see if this has come up before and if a solution was found. The CTD's certainly make this a serious enough issue to look into it.


And don't think you're putting me out. The more I find about issues like this, the better I can help others.

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You're efforts are appreciated.


Wondering about that locolization(sp?) mod. Since I put it in I have noticed two things. One, my weapons always have the poison icon next to them. I don't know if this affects my ability to use poisons because I never do. And two, my sneak damage multiplier no longer shows up when I sneak attack. I don't know if I am getting the bonus or not, but either way it doesn't display it, which I would like it to.

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Also, arrows no longer appear in the bodies of people I shoot. They ARE there if I go to recover them, but the graphics don't show them. Which is a pity, I like admiring my well placed arrows to the noggin, before I take them back. They are, after all, only loaners.
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Hey shadow, I think I got a handle on the ctd's. But I don't know if I can reccomend the fix to anyone else. I disabled widows data execution prevention (vista), and since then I have only had one ctd, which I think I caused by loading twenty times and running in an out of a cave (was getting my ass kicked).


I theorize that as badly optimized as oblivion is, most ctd's are actually caused by windows overreacting to memory mismanagment and reclaiming the resources. Just a theory though, and as I said, I don't think I can recommend this fix to anyone unfamiliar with the tech side of life.


PS - *stealth bump*

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