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How to make items disable at the same time?


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I made a script earlier which was placed on an x marker. It basically made some items enable when the player pulls a lever, then disable when they pull it again. When I realised that you can't fade out the objects when they are the children of an enable parent, I just deleted the x marker and added in all the items I was disabling/enabling as properties.


So my original script was:





But now it's:





The only problem is that all of the items appear/disappear one after the other, in the order they are listed (E.g Item 1 appears, then Item 2, Then Item 3 etc.).


However, I want them to all appear disappear at the same time.


Anyone know how this is done?



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Fairly simple; add an xmarker, or some other static object, and then for each of the objects you want to disable at the same time, make this object the Enable Parent. All you need to do then is Disable() or Enable() the single Enable Parent to Enable or Disable all the children.


Hope this helps.


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Fairly simple; add an xmarker, or some other static object, and then for each of the objects you want to disable at the same time, make this object the Enable Parent. All you need to do then is Disable() or Enable() the single Enable Parent to Enable or Disable all the children.


Hope this helps.



I used an x marker originally, but the problem with that was that you couldn't have the Fade Out as True, as that just fades out the X marker, the children still just pop-out, and I want them to fade.


Unfortunately, using David's still didn't work. It just made the main object fade then the others poped-out afterwards.


I'll probably just forget about the fading out and just use my original x marker method.

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Yeh the CKwiki says that that there's no way to make children fade in via papyrus.


The funny thing is that the console command works exactly the opposite:


When called on an Enable Parent, the [FadeIn] property will not be passed to its enable children. They will Enable as through the default Enable (with Fadein=1) was called on them.

In order for the Enable Children to Pop In (instead of fade in), you must go to each child and, under the enable parent tab, check the 'Pop In' checkbox.


This is the console command one

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Yeh the CKwiki says that that there's no way to make children fade in via papyrus.


The funny thing is that the console command works exactly the opposite:


When called on an Enable Parent, the [FadeIn] property will not be passed to its enable children. They will Enable as through the default Enable (with Fadein=1) was called on them.

In order for the Enable Children to Pop In (instead of fade in), you must go to each child and, under the enable parent tab, check the 'Pop In' checkbox.


This is the console command one


Very strange. Like I said, I've just gone back to my original method of using an x marker. it means they can't fade out, but I prefer that than to have them disappear one after the other.

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Try doing it this way. They should fade in and out all at the same time:





Edit: for compactness/convenience you could consider putting your items in a FormList and doing this:


int i = ItemList.GetSize()

While i > 0
i -= 1


with a property defined at the beginning of the script like this:


FormList Property ItemList auto


Then make a FormList in the CK and drag-and-drop your items into it. Nice if you have lots of items to manipulate. This way you don't need to have a property for each item :thumbsup:

Edited by steve40
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