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Attach a package using dialogue?


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Hello, I am currently very stuck on adding player dialogue etc, basically I want to add a dialogue line to every humanoid character (Any character that can engage in conversation with the character) which also add a specific package (preferably the FollowPlayer package). And to do this I must create a quest in the CK and make references etc...But I am currently stuck, I have made a reference alias to the player, (pretty much, it was simple and easy) but I don't know how to make a reference to the character the player is engaged in conversation with. So I just left it to "Find Matching Reference" and pressed OK.


This is a short summary of what I changed:

Quest Data: ID: aaaFollower

Quest Stages: 0 (Start Up Stage) 10 (Added a empty log entry)

Quest Objectives: Nothing changed

Quest Aliases: Player 1 N Ref -NONE- -NONE-

Follower N Conditions -NONE- -NONE-


So I am currently stuck on Quest Aliases before I can go any further

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If i understand well you want every NPC to be a potential follower?

Not exactly a follower (like someone who you can give orders to etc.), but someone who just follows you. This is because not all the voicetypes have the follower dialogue, like the guards and others, I want to make Hadvar my follower but he has a unique voice so I cannot make him my follower using the console.

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