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Convert HKX to XML? (can't use F4AK's HKXPack_Ui.exe)

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Hi everyone, I'm looking for a solution or fix, or workaround for converting HKX to XML and back again.


For some reason I can't use Shade Animators F4AK animation kit HKXPack_Ui.exe tool, everything I try I get a runtime error - "application tried to load the runtime library incorrectly" and I can't convert the file.


Does anyone know how to fix it?

Does anyone have a working copy of the HKXPack_Ui program?

Is there another HKX converter that will work?

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Is the HKX file in "hk_2014.1.0-r1" (FO4) format? Or a mix up of running the output of "ConvertAnimation_x32" (hkx) thru hkxpack? My take, hkxpack is generally ok but "ConvertAnimation_x32" has problem converting some animations (esp those 1st person animation) for the use of "havok2fbx".

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No mate, It seems like every hkx/xml file that I export from hct is "hk_2014.0.5-r1" not ".1.0"...


I've tried to change the "0.5" to a "1.0" like the vanilla hkx have but that doesn't seem to work :/


How can I export the hkx with "1.0" instead of "0.5"?


Do I meet a later version of max? I'm using 2014 at the moment


If I export with convertanimation(32) it's "0.5" and if I export with createskeleton it's still "0.5", I've tried getting the hkx a few ways now and they're all "0.5"



*edit* - I've just realised that I must be using the wrong version of hct hahaha, ah I'm feeling pretty silly now.

Edited by SandMouseAnarchy
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