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Looking for decent dress mods?


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Back in Morrowind there seemed to be a lot more dress mods(maybe because texturing was easier?) but there are very few for Skyrim, and the ones that are there are mostly too revealing/seedy. I'd just like some tasteful outfits that are a bit more vibrant than the stock outfits in Skyrim.


Are there some mods out there not on the Nexus maybe?

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I'd like to see this, too. The skimpy/anime stuff is nicely done, but it's just not what my girls are into. I would like to see something that says, "Girl next door". I've seen pictures of some nice things, but no links as to where to get them. If I find anything I will certainly post it here.


In the meantime you might check out these:

Saber Dress

Ashara Romantic Outfit



The Rabbit

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