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Performance issues.


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Ok, so Skyrim is pretty sure my system can run it on high details, but that just plain isn't the case. On high I run into lots of weird pixels, like big gray blocks covering the mountains. I found this was attributed to AA so I turned that off. But even with it off my framerate was fairly bad and stutters were incredibly frequent. Even on low settings, with everything as low as I can set it, I still get bad framerate, jerky movement, especially in first person, and big stutter(mostly during load screens.) Does anyone know if these issues are common and there is a fix or is my system not nearly as good as I thought it was. Including in the following is my mod list and system specs.



Processor: AMD A4-3400 APU with Radeon 6410HD graphics 2.70 GHz

Ram:8gb (7.73 usable)

OS: 64 Bit Windows 7



A Quality World Map

Acquisitive Soul Gems

Alchemy Enhanced XP

Alternate Start

An Old Rangers Story


Astaras Weapon Collection

Balanced Magic

Bandolier- Bags and Pouches

BattleMage Keep

BellyAches' New Dragon Species

Bingle's Glass Splinter Armor

Blindfolds Of Skyrim


Chop Forever


Conjurable Chest

Convenient Horses

Cover Women look 3

Craftable Arrows

Craftable Monk Hoods

Deadly Dragons


Follower Trap Safety

Immersive Armors

Jaysus Swords

Legendary Smithing Upgrades

Less Touchy Lockpicking

Lost Art of The Blacksmith

Martial Arts

Mounted Casting

Move It Dammit for NPC

No Perk prerequisites

Non Combat Skills Don't Contribute to Player Level

Open and Lock Spells

Perk Point Potion

Phenderix Magic Evolved

Project Reality

Scenic Carriages


Spouses Can Live Everywhere

The Asteria


Varied Guards and Stormcloaks

Warmer Magic Lights

Way of the Monk

Winter Is Coming - Cloaks

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for mouse movement... you could try...


ipresentinterval=0 <-- disables vsync, think its in skyrimpref.ini in yur documents/games

open ccc and force vsync off

make sure all mouse acceleration/smoothing settings are off in your os or mouse software.

open skyrimpref.ini and bMouseAcceleration=0 <-- disables mouse smoothing/accel for ini file.

skyrimprefs.ini bGamepadEnable=0 <-- just in case.


Honestly though, I read more into this and it's a problem with the frame rate and the Y-axis. I've done all of these things and I STILL sometimes get choppy un-smooth mouse movement in first person especially in regards to up and down movements, and strangely enough, scrolling out to 3rd person the movements are smooth. Duno what to tell you, it's a console port.


if you're getting very large drops in frame rate when turning around, then your in the same boat as me. Don't have a fix for that at the moment.

Edited by Armedsauce
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Gaming with an APU chip isn't ideal. It's definitely your computer. The CPU itself is pretty good for a dual core though.


Save up and get a discrete video card, and maybe even a power supply depending on how powerful it is.

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Here is a link to my troubleshooting blog. .



If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.

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Thanks for the help guys. I know the integrated card wasn't ideal...I honestly didn't read it as integrated when I first ordered the machine. I already have the new card I want in mind, which isn't amazing, but is affordable and will hopefully work well.
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Thanks for the help guys. I know the integrated card wasn't ideal...I honestly didn't read it as integrated when I first ordered the machine. I already have the new card I want in mind, which isn't amazing, but is affordable and will hopefully work well.


Alternate Start


I've read this mod can cause major issues later in-game, or any other mod that creates an alternate beginning. There's some sort of script in Helgen that NEEDS to be activated, without it people have gotten major bugs and sound glitches. I'd post my source but I don't remember what site or thread I read this on. Worth looking into.


ipresentinterval=0 <-- disables vsync, think its in skyrimpref.ini in yur documents/games

open ccc and force vsync off


DO NOT DISABLE V-SYNC. This can cause the physics of the game to get messed up, causing items to fly through walls, etc. Possibly breaking quests. Not advised.


I just posted several decent (and safe) tweaks you can use on this thread. I have a similar setup as yours and if you keep disabling and slowly tweaking your graphics you will get more steady FPS. Try disabling Anisotropic Filtering as well, since you've already disabled Anti-Aliasing. I had good performance boost by disabling both.


I'm using

AMD A6-3620 APU

Radeon HD 6530D



And I get around 30 FPS steady with these settings: Textures = High, Shadows = Low, Decal Quantity = Medium, AA/AF = Disabled, Slightly tweaked Fade Settings, as well as some of the ini edits I posted on the other thread. I also tend to use as few mods as possible, so there's a chance one of them is dropping your FPS. Generally adding Hi-Res Texture Packs, Graphical Mods, and anything that runs scripts will lower your FPS. Worth noting.


Good luck

Edited by Kalpon777
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I may try running fewer mods, it's just going to be difficult to pick my favorites really. I really enjoy having the additional content. It adds a lot to the experience. Although, I think the first think I may remove, either that or adjust how it's used is the Non combat skills don't level you mod. That one tends to flood the console with the commands for stopping xp when you go into menus.


Edit: On a side note, my alternate start mod does actually make you go back to helgen, you just don't have to sit through all the crap where you're bound.

Edited by DeadlyVaccine
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for mouse movement... you could try...


ipresentinterval=0 <-- disables vsync, think its in skyrimpref.ini in yur documents/games

open ccc and force vsync off

make sure all mouse acceleration/smoothing settings are off in your os or mouse software.

open skyrimpref.ini and bMouseAcceleration=0 <-- disables mouse smoothing/accel for ini file.

skyrimprefs.ini bGamepadEnable=0 <-- just in case.


Honestly though, I read more into this and it's a problem with the frame rate and the Y-axis. I've done all of these things and I STILL sometimes get choppy un-smooth mouse movement in first person especially in regards to up and down movements, and strangely enough, scrolling out to 3rd person the movements are smooth. Duno what to tell you, it's a console port.


if you're getting very large drops in frame rate when turning around, then your in the same boat as me. Don't have a fix for that at the moment.


I dont know if this helps but in regards to choppy Y-axis movement. I managed to solve this by simply running Skyrim in window mode (With borderless window mod) Its the only thing that works for me.

If i dont use this method it gets really choppy, especially in indoors areas with spells equiped.

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I don't believe the mods have anything to do with your performance issues (although I could be wrong never some like Scenic Carriages) . My brother is running more mods on a 5750 with good performance.

What he has set up:

1) Not using Bethesda HDDLC - Instead using Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized (full/standalone version) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9080

2) Did have STEP with pretty much all of the CORE mods http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11 (use lite version of mods when applicable)

definitely a guide worth reading even if you don't use most/any of the mods included

---Recently he did a re-install and used the Texture Pack Combiner http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20801 (again, use lite version of mods)

3) In CCC is able to set 2x AA and 16x AF, and when not using RCRN uses standalone SMAA for better aliasing http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16233


4) most important for AMD users - make sure your NOT using the 12.7 beta drivers, stick with 12.6 drivers

we tested with 12.7 and performance took major hit with lots of lag/stutter (most noticable in 1st person & indoors, but occured everywhere)

12.7 beta may work for the newer cards like 7000series, but noticed on his old 5750 it just killed performance with lag/stutter, reverted to 12.6 and running smooth again.


Also, check size of your save games...bloating is known to cause lag/stutter/performance issues


Hope you get your game running smooth gl2ya

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