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TES Construction Set for mac

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The CK is a windows program - Made specifically for windows and not intended to work on any other operating system. If you have a legitimate copy of Windows and are running it on your MAC - it may work. But using a Windows emulator - bogus copy of windows made to imitate windows on MAC - Not likely.
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  • 2 months later...

Ive been running the Oblivion CS in wine. I couldnt get it to work in the mac port of the game because of the requirement and inablity to access the Oblivion application content folder. I backed up my pc install of Oblivion on my mac and was able to run the pre installed CS in that original back up folder then i transfer my mod over to my mac port version to play test. Some features arent working: I cant scale lights and I cant delete path grid nodes but its working aside from that. The way I got it to run may not be helpful but it does run. Hope thats at least encouraging if not helpful :)


I saw a mac port of the CS yesterday. Thats where i was headed before I dropped in here.

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