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Glitch Free Moding? Realism and Survival.


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Hello everyone. I decided to try this again as I have a new desktop coming in the mail. I5-8400 GTX 1060, Ten times better than anything I have ever had.... xD


So, The issues I have always dealt with have always been how dysfunctional things are in a modded game. I hope the new hardware will make all of that not matter anymore. But I always find stuff like invisible armor pieces or invisible animals all over the place. Really stresses me out when I kill a mud crab and go to harvest (hunterborn) and end up getting killed by a mud crab I cant even see (because I like stuff like skydie prepare to cry edition).


It could be simply that I dont really know how to use stuff like TES5EDIT or Wrye Bach. But I would really like some help in figuring out how to make a modded game with all the things I enjoy and not have it feel like a horror show that I need to power through. I like Requiem because it changes everything and makes it all more intense. I love intense combat, needing to really try hard to win. But I keep finding these problems that take all the immersion out of the game and make me not want to play anymore. (emotionally fragile of late)


My top mods right now that I just dont want to do without:



Frostfall/wet and cold




Imperial Mail


I consider these the backbone of what I want in the game. I was using stuff like Immersive weapons/armor and skytest but frankly I think they are the things causing all the invisible crap. Then there are issues where seemingly generic weapons that drop are hideously over powered and I just refuse to acknowledge them as real. I am also reconsidering the use of combat mods. I have recently rewatched the Requiem videos on youtube and I think the 'vanilla' requiem might be enough for me. So stuff like Skydie and Combat Evolved and other things might be something that I can just drop.


One Issue though I have started using Requiem 2.0.2 and I find that all the MCM options that allow you to switch a lot of either really useful or really annoying features on or off is almost entirely gone. Do I need to roll back to a previous version to get those options back? is 2.0.2 a beta right now? Is my install order killing me? Im kind of lost frankly.


I like tweakers. Bug fix crash fix project optimization, lots of little things that are helpful.


Then there are times where I just heap on the little things that might add a smattering of realism or immersion for me:


Climates of Tamriel

The Notice Boards

Populated XYZ (all those mods)

Immersive Patrols

A Quality World Map

Dynamic Things

Wearable Lanterns

Extended Encounters

Equiping Overhaul

Winter is Coming/cloak mods


I could make this list a lot longer. Frankly I could just gorge on all the mods on the nexus, but what I really want is a stable game above all else. And I want it to feel as realistic, alive, and believe, as much as possible. The problem I find is that each and every mod is made by an independent party so its like trying to take every single car manufacturer in the world and just throwing all their parts together haphazard and expecting it to work.


Maybe my new rig will solve the majority of the problems and all I need is real guidance on how to mod and install correctly. Any advice would be appreciated. I would really like to get back into this game but not if its going to cause me pain by flashing in my face that its an inherently broken piece of garbage.


Please, some real answers would really help.


PS another things that really annoys me is that I cant seem to get several mods to appear on MCM Frostfall namely wont activate because I dont have it on MCM even though I made pain stakingly sure that it was installed correctly.

Edited by AndalTheManhunter
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