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Skyrim is crashing each 30min


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Thats a lot of mods, I would stay way from the highres texture mods with that vcard...your Probably over pushing your card I would run any 3rd party program like msi afterburner that monitors usage of video ram, then play the game and wait for it to crash. Your most likely capping the video ram and that will crash ya.

Aha okey, thanks mate!


It sounds to me like your videocard is drowning. As the others suggested, you might want to cut the amount of mods your running. ALSO, if you regularly install and then uninstall mods yet continue to use the same saved game files, your game files might be CORRUPTED. This, at least for me, has caused crashes in the past. I always start a new game if i mess too much with the mods..ALSO you want to turn off the synchronization of steam cloud because it will save old game save files and throw them into your game even if you don't have certain mods installed anymore causing CTD's as well.


Good luck!


p.s. you might also try turning off some programs you don't need running in Task Manager while you are running the game. They can mess with your VRAM too and the more VRAM you have for your game the better! :wacko:

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Eil17 are you using a mod manager or installing directly?


You might have Papyrus erroring and save game bloating. There are several threads on this problem here in different areas of the forum.


Check the size of your save game files, see if they increased in size dramatically as a certain point. If so then you have mods that suffer from the bloat effect in their papyrus scripts. Those make bloated save game files which are corrupted and you will need to go back to a save game a few before the bloat started or even restart the game. Also you might need to reinstall Skyrim, then reinstall your mods, checking for problems. Some mods may be sleepers to where they run fine until you reach a certain point in the game.


A few of your mods are suspect to erroring and bloat, though it seems to vary from system to system. One way to check for the script & save game bloating beside looking for suddenly large save game files is to use the Papyrus logger. In your save games folder, most likely in Documents/My Games/Skyrim, back up your Skyrim.ini file and add to the Papyrus section this code




Using a save game from just before the save game bloating started, go to a location with little activity like an unmodded player home without any followers in the cell and save. Run Skyrim for 5 minutes while standing still. Save again. If you see a huge Papyrus log file in Documents/MyGames/Skyrim/Script then you most likely still have a bloat problem. Also check for the size difference between the two saves in the location, significant increase in file size means bloat. (don't attempt to open a large log file unless you have a very robust text file editor.)


Out of your list, here are some of the mods that might be suspects for script & save file bloat that I know of from reading the boards here and performing my own tests though any mod that uses heavy scripting can be suspect. I do know that the Sounds of Skyrim mods had this problem in a recent update to where the mod authors pulled it until they find a fix. see: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/730926-you-need-to-uninstall-sounds-of-skyrim/


Also you may have mods that are part of the same package that are intended for only one esp file to be active at a time. An example are the Cloaks of Skyrim esps. Only one esp from this group should be active at any one time because they each of them produce different overlapping effects.


One more thing, with such a long list you might consider using BOSS to sort your load order. For example, BOSS puts the WATER mod esps close to the end of the load order list. There is a good tutorial by Gophur on load orders here in the Nexus.


For this problem, there is no easy quick fix and when you run many different mods, there is always the possibility for game breaking errors. I wish you luck in solving your problem and hope this does not drive you away from playing Skyrim or supporting mod authors.


One more little tip. Skyrim uses multiple processor core natively, so hyperthreaded CPUs may cause the game to actually run slower. You might consider turning off hyperthreading in your bios or search the forums for advice on how to tell Skyrim to limit it self to only certain cores when it runs.

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@Eil17, hi, like everyone else is suggesting, you should consider cutting down on your modding diet lol.

you're probably expecting too much from your AMD 5700 series card,

Skyrim doesn't exactly have a truly optimized game rendering engine lol.


AMD's CCC not launching is something you'll have to look into, learn about, and troubleshoot.

you might simply be having a permissions (admin rights) issue which happens with CCC.

Does CCC launch if you login to your Windows machine as a local Admin?


if you're trying to fix CCC by reinstalling and not familiar with CCleaner or other utilities,

you may want to try clearing the ATI Public Key Tokens first (c:\windows\Assembly),

look at this solution:



by the way, i'm not saying adjusting AA settings will fix your issues lol, but it might help.

Edited by xlcr
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I have the same problem, Skyrim crashes from time to time..

For no obvious reason(?)!

I do not use many mods - just discovered them tbh! =]

Same thing happens if they are enabled or disabled.


Heat is not the problem,


My specs are;

cpu: Intel core i7 3820

Graphic card: ASUS Radeon HD 7950 3GB GDDR5

Ram: Corsair XMS3 1866MHz 16GB Vengeance



I'm well belove average when it comes to computer knowledge, so please explain as best as you can with full words! =p

Thanks in advance! =)

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