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Mad respect for modders.


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I've been following a certain mod now for a few days, and attempting to answer people's questions on it. However, I'm at about whit's end...people keep asking the same questions a million times over. Now, I'm not a modder, so I don't typically deal with this stuff...but as often as I've seen modders respond to these questions in many other mods, I tip my hat to you. If I have to answer one more time how to change an NPC's voice, I think I'm going to start pulling my hair out! Nobody bothers to read more than just the front page of comments, and worse, nobody even bothers to read the freaking FRONT PAGE of the mod!


I'm sorry, I just needed to vent. It really drives me crazy that nobody bothers to look for answers themselves before spamming it all over a forum. Or worse, start leaving negative comments on a mod just because they aren't intelligent enough to work out their problems on their own. >.>

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So true. So very true.


Most irritating example I can think of is when I once left a comment on one of my mods saying that an update "will be out tomorrow".


The very next comment, a few hours later, essentially asked when the next update comes out.


I was just utterly amazed.

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Excellent comment. Nobody ever reads the instructions.


I guess I am guilty of this too. I am a big old noob who just grabs the new mod and installs it and then plays it and then wonders why it does not work. But at least I am cautious enough to go read the documentation after the mod doesn't work. I can usually find the problem before I forget how to type and forget how to think and go to the comment thread and start posting comments like:


yer mod sux !!! LOL it dsnt wrk how am i suposd to install it i cant see tha txtrs n i get all thes CTDs ifeel rilly sad my gam iz brokun
Edited by David Brasher
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hehe :D perhaps a accept/decline popup before downloading enforcing people to read the readme/first page on mod, and if they then just click accept without reading, the should not dare to ask :psyduck:
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Guest Messenjah
Yes, but they will anyway.... just saying. Worked in fast food for a while and found out just how many people don't even take the time to read the menu.
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