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A Mod Which limits the Ability to Save


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This may strike some of you as an odd request, but I would like to know if there is a mod in existence, or if it would be possible to make a mod that in some way limited how often you could quicksave/save your game. In a game where you can literally save after every footstep you take, it destroys the difficulty curve by allowing you to immediately undo your mistakes and keep attempting a challenge until you have completed it using the least possible resources for the best possible outcome. The optimal situation would be for a mod to limit WHERE you could save (only at computer terminals, etc), or how many times you could save before having to return home, sleep, check in somewhere, or in a 24 hour time period. I've no idea if that is possible, but I figured it would be worth asking anyway. I'd also like to see perks or tweaks added for having this mod turned on, though I should first like to hear if it is possible before suggesting any.


The obvious question is, "Why don't you just not save so often?" Well, pretty much any spike in difficulty could be replicated by "simply not doing that" Get shot more than once in a fight? Restart! No need for a damage modifier. Forgot to eat in the last 24 hours, Restart! No need for a hunger mod. Ammo/Caps too readily available? Just drop all of yours from time to time. If a tool is available to me I will use it. If it isn't, then I can change strategies, adapt, and overcome, hence the point of all difficulty mods.


Thanks in advance for your time,



Edit: If it isn't possible to block saves, could you somehow attribute a penalty to them? Could you make a mod which detected when you are loading from a save and lowered health, or added some sort of a negative status effect/perk?

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I don't believe it would be possible to track loading from saves, as the data required is itself associated with that save game, and would not know if it had been loaded from a previous point, or loaded from the menu to restart where you left off. There is an NVSE function to detect reloading, which is what I'm thinking would allow this, but that's the issue as stated.


As far as not saving, you could get a a mod like CASM, and set it to save say, every 20 minutes. Turn off the game's built in autosaves, and unbind the quicksave/load buttons.

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Thanks for the tips. A mod that saved every 20 would be useful. I would still have to auto-save between fast travel as my game will often crash at that point. I'll take a look, but I still hope to one day see a difficulty modifier mod like FWE somehow deal with the issue of penalizing the save-take step-save method.
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I would still have to auto-save between fast travel as my game will often crash at that point.

Ironically, the default autosave features can actually cause the game to crash when fast-traveling. Just disable all default autosave "features". That, or you're suffering from the infamous multi-core bug.

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