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Under Saarthal...Bloody Heck.


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Hi folks,


I'm wondering if others have noticed heavy glitching in Winterhold. Just after First Lessons, Tolfdir informs the group to meet him at Saarthal. My problem is he never arrives at Saarthal - in fact, he never even leaves the College. I've fast travelled back and forth, done several missions in between and it seems that this NPC/quest is totally bugging out. The four of them never leave Winderhold. They just stand there, right in the same spot I left them in. Has anyone any suggestions as to how I can continue with this?!

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@Gbon999, hi, College of Winterhold quest 'Under Saarthal' sometimes has issues with Tolfdir/trainees traveling to Saarthal.

For what its worth, here are some ideas.


Sometimes only Brelyna will actually make the trip, Onmund+J'zargo remain in the Hall of Elements (Tolfdir too i think).

Its best if you walk to Saarthal with whoever makes the 4 hour trip, might be issues with them getting stuck/lost due to navmesh issues and

enemy encounters along the way (game should've marked them essential during this part of the quest).

These bugs should not effect the quest once you enter Saarthal, J'zargo and Onmund should appear.


Anyway, some known fixes are:

1. Don't fast travel to Saarthal, return to the college and walk to Saarthal with them as described above.

2. Tolfdir may not show up at all and the quest will be stuck because he cannot unlock Saarthal, fix by exiting to the main screen and load the last save.

3. Teleport Tolfdir to your location outside Saarthal using console command:

prid 0001C1A1 <enter> (this is Tolfdir's Ref ID).

moveto player <enter>




Edited by xlcr
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