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Dragonrend could save Tamriel again?


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Dagon isn't a Dragon, he's a Daedric Prince.... Dragonrend would have absolutely no effect on him.


Martin was the one who became the Avatar of Akatosh.

Just a correction.


Martin did not become an "avatar" of Akatosh, he was already one by virtue of being Dragonborn.


Martin quite literally became Akatosh.

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So my theory is right!(maybe)


Probably not. Think of it the other way. you could probably stop martin/akatosh by using dragonrend!!

If i do this,Mehrunes Dagon will win.What i really need is Dagonrend like you said. :tongue:


That gem was not mine. Some other guy.



Dagon isn't a Dragon, he's a Daedric Prince.... Dragonrend would have absolutely no effect on him.


Martin was the one who became the Avatar of Akatosh.

Just a correction.


Martin did not become an "avatar" of Akatosh, he was already one by virtue of being Dragonborn.


Martin quite literally became Akatosh.


No he was of the dragon blood, just like Tiber Septim and the PC in skyrim. He wasn't a giant dragon all along lol.

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No he was of the dragon blood, just like Tiber Septim and the PC in skyrim. He wasn't a giant dragon all along lol.

I suggest you read a post before you respond to it.


I said he became Akatosh, just as the Champion of Cyrodil turned from man into madness, and just as Tosh Raka went from being tiger into a dragon god of time, not that he was a dragon the whole time.


I swear, it seems like every day people read less and less, and respond more and more to things they haven't read.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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Alduin is probably on a Daedric Prince level.


I seriously doubt it. Despite the mythology surrounding him, Alduin was still just a dragon, albeit a very powerful dragon. You could still hit him with a sword and do damage, and aside from his thu'ums he didn't have any godlike powers.


Most Daedric Princes can't even be fought. Mehrunes Dagon was impossible to damage, and attacking Sheogorath instantly resulted in you getting your medieval ass teleported into the sky and falling to your death. As far as I know, the only Daedric Prince you can actually defeat in combat was Jyggalag, and he was probably nowhere near his true strenght at that point.


Dragonrend might take down Peryite!


Clearly, we need a mod that lets you fight Peryite.


Also, Akatosh.

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I seriously doubt it. Despite the mythology surrounding him, Alduin was still just a dragon, albeit a very powerful dragon. You could still hit him with a sword and do damage, and aside from his thu'ums he didn't have any godlike powers.


Most Daedric Princes can't even be fought. Mehrunes Dagon was impossible to damage, and attacking Sheogorath instantly resulted in you getting your medieval ass teleported into the sky and falling to your death. As far as I know, the only Daedric Prince you can actually defeat in combat was Jyggalag, and he was probably nowhere near his true strenght at that point.

You are aware Alduin was the being that turned Dagon into what he is. Dagon's current form is the result of Alduin eating him and placing a curse on him.


Alduin is stronger then Dagon in lore.


Also how is being able to eat the entire planet, and end time itself, not a god-like power?

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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My take on the Daedric Princes and the Divines is that they cannot kill each other, but transform or banish each other to another realm...if they are strong enough to do so. After the main quest in Skyrim, is Alduin truly destroyed? Or banished to another place? I think he is truly destroyed, and if so then there is no real comparison between Alduin and Daedric Lord in the immortal sense. Also my understanding of Alduin as 'world eater' is more to do with him eating all the life on the world than dirt and rock
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Both Esbern and Arngeir say that Alduin could return. Also you didn't absorb Alduin's soul, so we know for a fact he isn't truly dead.


As for his "world eating" title, Micheal Kirkbride has confirmed it is literal.


"How does one eat the world? (01/18/11)


When you consider a place like Tamriel, sometimes it's best to take titles literally. Alduin is the World-Eater. It's not going to be "the end of all *life* as we know it," leaving a barren wasteland of Earthbone dirt... it's going to be the whole of Nirn inside his mighty gullet.


"None shall survive" has been a calling card for awhile, but that was only a hint to the more extensive "Nothing will survive."


Unless, of course, there's a loophole. Say, something like the someone called the Dovakhiin happening to show up..."born under uncertain stars to uncertain parents." (An aside for extra credit: what in the Aurbis makes the Prisoner such a powerful mythic figure?)


The Eight Limbs (and their Missing Ninth) have always, always made sure there was a loophole. Sometimes to their detriment, sure, but more often a hedged bet to ensure the survival of the current kalpa.


Then again:


Alduin's shadow was cast like carpetflame on east, west, south, and north...[he was] epoch eater. For as far as any man's eyes, only High Hrothgar remained above the churning coils of dragon stop.


And Alduin said, "Ho ha ho."


It's obviously happened before, so sabers sharp, and may your varliance shine bright.

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Now I may not be the brightest candle on the birthday cake, but having seen Alduin a few times, and also realising the immense size of Nirn.....there may be a slight problem with the physics of Nirn fitting inside his 'mighty gullet' :whistling:
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Alduin is a god, just as the Daedra can change their size, shape, and gender at will, so can the Aedra.


Alduin did not take on his world-eating form because he cast aside his duties, and thus it was not needed.



"Alduin swallowed more of Mereth (this was the destruction of Njorvela and Teed County) and looked over. Indeed the Greedy Man was waving his arms as if to tell the time-eating dragon to stop. Alduin snorted gruffly (a few farms shot out of his nose but he caught them with his tongue and pulled them back into his mouth, for he eats it all)"


he can get bigger

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