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Is Alchemy Useless?


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Alchemy is probably one of the most powerful skill sets, IMHO. I run "pure" characters, ie, I don't take perks outside of the primary class, except for alchemy. It allows me to boost skills, etc., for a short time without having an OP guy all the time. Potions are the same as any other inventory item; for instance, I just hotkey some fortify destruction potions for my mages cause destruction magic levels off too soon. I can drink a quick potion just like changing spells or staffs. Like the OP said, I use invisibility a lot with the TG quests cause I have no sneak perks. And if you play hardcore, restore health is a literal life saver. I don't exploit alchemy, just use it like it was intended. I must look pretty stupid, cause I harvest (almost) every ingredient I find. Gives me something to put in the storage containers in my houses, although every ingredient container I have now (level 43) over-encumbers my character if she takes it all. Like everything else in the game, the utility of alchemy depends upon how you use it.
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I play "Pures" too, but with a slightly different definition. To me, it's mostly building up specific skills, while eliminating others to keep my vharacter level low, while being far ahead of the curve withing that specialization. The first thing to go is Crafting. Yeah, you can get gamebreaking effects, by maxing out 3 skills, and looping them to reinforce each other. I'd rather train up 2-3 skills, in an afternoon, and be just as powerful at less than half the level. If I do any crafting, it's enchantment, because I don't have to grind away on a station, but the first several levels can be gained incombat keeping staffs, and weapons topped off while I hunt down all the good effects. Achemy is excruciating to me, because I have to go hunt down ingredients, haull them all over nirn, it seems like, make them into something temporary, then use them up to do it all over again. With Enchantment, I make something once, and I'm done with it. About the only thing I miss from Alchemy is Fortify Destruction, because it caps so low. That's one of the reasons I keep my character low level, if I'm done before 20, Destruction is still competetive. Edited by Psiberzerker
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