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Impossible Bosses Meets Skyrim


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What is this mod? The title of this mod is tentatively called "Impossible Bosses", this is in reference to a warcraft 3 mod that challenged multiple players to work together to beat some really hard bosses, very few people ever beat it including me. This mod will instead focus on forcing the player to figure out how to beat the bosses on his or her own using everything they can.


Why are you making this mod? The main goal of this mod is to add more challenging boss fights that force the player to think more about how to beat bosses besides standing there hacking away or standing in the back and just shooting spells/arrows till things die. I feel like Skyrim's boss fights aren't very epic and usually involve overpowering opponents or just running around shooting them. In the few instances where the fights involve mechanics the fights seem to be against easier opponents that just get pushed over or have a very big weakness allowing players to easily do them (Labyrinthian dragon for example)


What will the mod consist of? This mod will be a dungeon consisting of several areas that will each involve facing off against a boss, these bosses will be much more involved than your average dragon or draugr fight that you experience now and will force players to use their brains to deal with much more complex mechanics/events. I want the fights to feel hard and I want the player to be excited to finally beat each boss. I am also considering adding new items that will be rewards for beating each boss or maybe for beating the whole dungeon to add to the epic feeling of completing it.


What do you mean mechanics/events? What I mean by this is that boss fights will involve more than just beating on an opponent till it dies ( Alduin fight for example :confused: ). The style of the fights will be similar to raid bosses from WoW and be influenced by the Warcraft 3 map Impossible Bosses. One example is a boss that is similar to Gothik the Harvester from Naxx in which the boss can only be damaged/targeted at certain points during the fight and will bring out lots of smaller guys to fight when you can't. This fight will not be so simple though, and some minions will be invulnerable to player damage so you will have to figure out how to avoid or kill them other ways. In addition the additional minions will be stronger as the fight goes on and involve an undead dragon before you can kill the boss. This fight is only the second hardest of a projected 7 bosses.


Like WoW bosses?!? That sounds stupid! This is Skyrim! I feel like some of you might feel this way and I want you to get the idea out of your head that it will somehow de-value the Skyrim experience. This mod is intended to be used by those users like myself who want more of a challenge than just shooting a dragon full of arrows till he falls over, that is only fun for so long. I would rather you wait to experience it before you bash on it but all opinions are welcome here.


How can I be involved? As part of this mod, I plan to implement new spells and abilities specially made for this mod to make the bosses more unique and more difficult, but I currently have no experience creating them so that could easily increase the time required to make this mod by quite awhile for each one. If you are knowledgeable in the area and are willing to either help me learn how its done or wish to create them for this mod it would be greatly appreciated and you would be considered a member of the team if you chose to help out.

I also am interested in hearing any comments and criticism you guys might have and am interested in people who would want to test this mod while it is being worked on.


When will this mod be available? Currently this mod is in the earliest stages of development and is quite a ways off, but I hope to have the first boss at least finished by the end of August at the latest, that accounts for time learning to create the specific spells and learning how to code the events I want to have.


Please let me know what you guys think about this mod and if there is already a mod that is like this let me know.


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(Update) So this is going much faster / better than I thought and I'm almost done with the first boss encounter and now I need some help testing. If you would be interested in helping out let me know, you would be a great help to this project. Will be ready either tomorrow night or Friday
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(Update) So this is going much faster / better than I thought and I'm almost done with the first boss encounter and now I need some help testing. If you would be interested in helping out let me know, you would be a great help to this project. Will be ready either tomorrow night or Friday



I want to test it out :D I'll be watching your post regularly. Also; you might want to look at the mod called "Death Dealer" or something like that. It's a very hard boss to beat and has a tiny interesting story behind it; it is voiced acted and I hope you're thinking of adding voice acting to the bosses so they have some degree of personality. :D

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(Update) So this is going much faster / better than I thought and I'm almost done with the first boss encounter and now I need some help testing. If you would be interested in helping out let me know, you would be a great help to this project. Will be ready either tomorrow night or Friday



I want to test it out :D I'll be watching your post regularly. Also; you might want to look at the mod called "Death Dealer" or something like that. It's a very hard boss to beat and has a tiny interesting story behind it; it is voiced acted and I hope you're thinking of adding voice acting to the bosses so they have some degree of personality. :D


I will go check it out tomorrow when I take a break from modding and YES I am really interested in having voice acting be a part of the mod, I've been planning it out ( and its a really cool idea I have for it :) ), unfortunately I don't know where to get some decent voice recording equipment atm or where to find them :psyduck:

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(Update) So this is going much faster / better than I thought and I'm almost done with the first boss encounter and now I need some help testing. If you would be interested in helping out let me know, you would be a great help to this project. Will be ready either tomorrow night or Friday



I want to test it out :D I'll be watching your post regularly. Also; you might want to look at the mod called "Death Dealer" or something like that. It's a very hard boss to beat and has a tiny interesting story behind it; it is voiced acted and I hope you're thinking of adding voice acting to the bosses so they have some degree of personality. :D


I will go check it out tomorrow when I take a break from modding and YES I am really interested in having voice acting be a part of the mod, I've been planning it out ( and its a really cool idea I have for it :) ), unfortunately I don't know where to get some decent voice recording equipment atm or where to find them :psyduck:



Just get the attention of the voice actors and actresses around the forums. They'll be glad to help if they like the ideas.

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(Update) With the release of Dawnguad I've decided that the first boss encounter is too close to one of the new boss fights in Dawnguard and I don't want that to be the case so I will be re-designing it and thus it will probably be another week before its ready for testing :( Edited by daewoorcr2k3
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This looks rather interesting as I remember those map types in the Warcraft 3 battle.net lobbies. I myself am aiming to make puzzle bosses - as I like to call them since each boss is more like a puzzle than an object to overwhelm - in TDL. However the bosses I aim to make are more of a hybrid between Impossible Bosses and a God of War puzzle boss.
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I think I'd enjoy some discussion on how it would work mechanically. Traditionally videogame bosses have some kind of pattern of attacks that you have to evade or outmanoeuvre, and a window of vulnerability in which they can be safely harmed. Some very satisfying boss fights exist in games where evading attacks is an essential part of the combat,and I think designing such bosses would be a good approach. However, you can't dodge in Skyrim, and you often can't block.


I find though that the most fun and best designed bosses are the kind that aren't all about pattern recognition and skill, but rather puzzle solving. My favourites would be the bosses from Shadow of the Colossus, but again these are not at all suited to Skyrim's engine or gameplay mechanics.


I'm very curious to know how you are going to attempt to create entertaining boss fights using Skyrim's mechanics. Could you explain it? It's a very interesting problem to me.


Also, I have heard that Darkrider's "Reclaiming Sancre Tor" for Oblivion had some well designed bosses for Bethesda's engine, although I haven't personally tried that one yet. You might want to give it a look.

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