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HGEC/High Res Skin Textures For HGEC/Dalls "Sexy Female Feet"/OBSE/BLOCKHEAD Issue I Think


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So last night before i installed OBSE/Blockhead the HGEC/HGEC high res textures/Dalls "sexy female feet" that makes feet look better and not horrible and jagged were all working well together, and now, after OBSE/Blockhead, i can't seem to get HGEC to work, it'll revert to the default body, is there an incompatibility i missed somewhere in HGEC? is this a new problem? i followed my order of operations last night as well, first i copied over the HGEC textures, then i set up and applied the high res skin textures, then the Dalls feet, and at the end, i have the Dalls Feet, and as far as i can tell, nothing else

these are the only manual installation mods i have running, and i think OBSE is working fine i haven't gotten any error messages or anything from it

from last night: cfbd4e1fdb2308b05b7b46e94ca5f9a4.png

from today/after OBSE & Blockhead: 20190221154758_1.jpg

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You get some sort of formatting codes or something when you copy/paste between pages or external pages. I usually copy and then paste into a blank Notepad page, and then recopy from there and paste into the Forum page (and yes ... I do have a bent for complicated).


Thank you for moving the conversation from the HGEC body mod comments. Having the discussion here allows me to make suggestions I'm not comfortable making in a mod's comments (like suggest a different mod instead of the one you're looking at).


The simplest way to confirm that OBSE is working is to make a save and then exit. Look in your Saves folder and see if you now see two saves each time you save or still just see one. When OBSE is working it will create a co-save each time you save (e.g. you will get MySave09.ess plus MySave09.obse when OBSE is working).


What I wanted to suggest last night in the mod comments was that there is a better choice for HGEC available by using EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion. It includes a complete equipment replacer as well as many of the same body mesh options. Having a HGEC compatible clothes and armor replacer is important so that you don't get weird skin problems in exposed skin areas while wearing clothing/armor. HGEC and the vanilla game use completely different and incompatible arrangements for what body textures cover what part of the body mesh.


Was the only change between the last night shot and the today shot OBSE plus Blockhead?

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i definitely have an autosave.obse in my saves folder so it seems to be working, i've been fiddling around starting up Oblivion multiple times just to see if maybe something needed to be created by OBSE/Blockhead via starting up the game and if it'd be fixed by the second or third time, but that wasn't the case unfortunately so here we are

yes, the only change between the screenshots was OBSE and Blockhead, actually now that i'm thinking about all the little details as well, i did activate all my DLCs for the game, but i didn't consider it might be important until just now, if that extra information helps

i'll definitely try the Variants Expansion i was thinking about some kind of armour replacer that'd work better with the new body models, i've been looking around for new hair textures and the like but that's not important info because i haven't tried any

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Before you jump onto the EVE version of HGEC ... there is one other option to consider. Roberts Female Body v13 doesn't have as much support as far as custom armors/clothing but it does come with nicer feet (and maybe hands ... not 100% sure on that) compared to HGEC. It also has a complete armor/clothing replacer and has one other advantage over HGEC.


HGEC uses the foot texture file to cover the entire body (feet, lowerbody and upperbody) but it uses a separate texture file to cover the hands (which often results in the seam between arm and hand being visible). Roberts female uses a single texture file to cover all body parts (so feet, hands, lowerbody and upperbody) making it far less likely you'll see a seam between body parts (it is still possible because of those parts being separate meshes as opposed to all one mesh).


A lot will depend on your intentions ... use primarily vanilla style clothes and armor or make use of a variety of custom clothes and armor. HGEC has a lot to choose from ... Robert female much fewer choices.


- Edit - And yes ... if you have the co-save OBSE is working.


- Edit 2 - By DLCs are you talking about all except Shivering Isles (i.e. was Shivering Isles active in both the last night and today shot)?

Edited by Striker879
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The mod clothes and armour definitely sounds like a cooler option, i've seen a lot of things that require HGEC like a full body dress for my character but at the same time i have noticed that the majority of them are heavily advertised as skimpy, but it shouldn't be too awful hard to find a nice outfit somewhere

would you say the EVE might fix my issues with the textures/body replacement?

and Shivering isles was not active last night i don't believe, something about installing Nexus turned off everything but the base game and i only realized this morning i should turn them back on

as an edit, i started a fresh new game instead of trying to use my vanilla save so whether or not i had shivering isles installed wasn't really an issue in my mind, so these screenshots are both from that fresh start

Edited by JustHereForSass
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OK ... could be that your BSA timestamps got switched back to a modern date. Look at the file date on Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa and if it anything newer than year 2006 then just go through the OBMM archive invalidation steps again (remembering to click on Reset BSA Timestamps).


My own personal experience with the skin textures from Hi Res (used them on my first two characters) is that even when using the optional seam reducing it offered you still were going to have neck and body seams.


The current state of the art is OCOv2 plus Seamless - OCOv2 Edition. The downside to that combo is that you need to use nothing but assets from Seamless to achieve as good as it gets seamless. Any HGEC compatible custom armor/clothes etc will reintroduce seams for any NPCs (or your character) wearing the custom stuff.


Another thing that will affect the visibility of seams is lighting. Do a test of your current situation ... in one open the console and "fw 38eec" (without the quote marks) and then "fw 38eee" to see the difference that lighting can make.

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the BSA timestamps seem to be alright


also seams for me aren't that big of an issue, i find them more entertaining than anything, i'm not too involved in fixing them personally, kinda adds a little throwback flair

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OK ... I'm somewhat the same regarding seams. I serve the Godz of Variety, so in my game you will sometime find seams (and often you won't need to look very closely to notice those seams).


The OCOv2 heads/faces are something I couldn't play without however, same as I could never go back to the vanilla game body meshes. Now that you have OBSE installed and working we can confirm that Blockhead is working by looking for it's INI file (Blockhead.ini) which will be in Data\OBSE\Plugins.


If you have Blockhead working you can kiss the potato-heads goodbye and get OCOv2 installed. It can be installed just as simply as what we worked on last night with HGEC ... download/extract/copy Data/paste in Oblivion/yes to Merge.


- Edit - The only addition after installing the base OCOv2 install is the compatibility patches ... I believe you only need the HGEC patch as I don't think you've installed Roberts male.

Edited by Striker879
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Blockhead.ini is definitely there, i haven't installed roberts male no

i'm still unsure as to how to fix the HGEC not working issue unless the EVE version will help, i might as well try the OCO in the meanwhile

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