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HGEC/High Res Skin Textures For HGEC/Dalls "Sexy Female Feet"/OBSE/BLOCKHEAD Issue I Think


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Sorry should have said why I sort of ignored that detail after you indicated that seams weren't a big issue for you.


Part of the OCOv2 installation is adding the appropriate compatibility addons. In your case that will mean the HGEC compatibility addon, which will overwrite any currently installed HGEC body textures. I figured we'd see what effect that had on the issue and go from there (otherwise we'd spend a bunch of time "fixing" something that would be "unfixed" as soon as OCOv2 installation was complete).


- Edit - And as an FYI ... I believe that HGEC is still working. If you ever saw vanilla textures on a HGEC body you'd know what I mean.

Edited by Striker879
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Ah! Ok thank you, it's unzipping right now so we'll see soon

I'm having a little trouble, it says i should create an OMOD but i'm not sure how to create one, the OMM instructions are a little confusing for me, it's talking about naming and such but it's not really a step-by-step and i'm lost even on the first part, i can probably google like a video tutorial to help me out

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So you were going with an OBMM install for OCOv2?


If I remember correctly in OBMM you select Add Archive to create an OMOD ... but can't recall for certain where you get that option. Most anything I know about OBMM I got from the stuff on the Help menu.

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i think i'm sorta learning, there's a nexuswiki that gives a tutorial, and i'm going with OMOD install because the mod itself says it's the recommended option and a manual is not recommended



i think i'm doing alright so far but i'm still figuring out just how specific i need to be with the instructions
it says as an example the mod name could be MyMod, and i'm figuring out if the folder can be My Mod or if it has to be MyMod, like for example if my mod is Oblivion_Character_Overhaul, if i could name it Oblivion Character Overhaul or if it needs to specifically be Oblivion_Character_Overhaul, etc
i probably overthink things

however i'm sorta lost beyond Create An OMOD step 1, step 2 is confusing me

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Not trying to discourage you from OBMM, but Nuska's warning is just an overreaction. Installing both OCOv2 and the compatibility addons really is even simpler than what you did with HGEC. Once you download it to a folder and extract you'll find a folder named Data. Copy that Data folder and paste it in your game's Oblivion folder and say Yes to merge the Data folder. The correct order is OCOv2 base (top download) and then the appropriate compatibility addons (in your case HGEC).


I think that naming stuff you are referring to is just what you think ... name it what you want, just don't make the name the same as something you already have.


- Edit - The rule of thumb for copy/paste is ... for folders always paste into one level higher than you copied, for individual files paste into the folder you want the file to be in.

Edited by Striker879
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Ah, ok, i'm probably going to throw the OMOD thing out the window then because i'm as lost as a tourist in the Amazon Rainforest with this, i'll slap that and the compatibility pack where they go really quick and then probably edit this with my progress

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ok i definitely notice some change with the faces

The faces are definitely different, however i think my computer is mad about the faces because suddenly i'll end up at maybe shy of 5 FPS at times and it takes a long time for loading screens.

Ok i'm just, unobservant, i had something typed out about the bodies and even comparative screenshots, and i JUST realized that in all my clamor i completely missed actually installing the EVE HGEC, making all of that irrelevant

I'm going to go ACTUALLY install EVE HGEC and then edit this with an update

update: it put the EVE HGEC in .omod form and i have no idea what to do with it because i need to use omod and i can't just 7-zip like the rest, it's like 10:52 PM i'm gonna get some sleep and pick this up in the morning

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There shouldn't be a significant performance impact from OCOv2 ... it's just a replacement head mesh, replacement face textures and with the HGEC addon replacement body textures. Doesn't bump up texture resolution much beyond what the base HGEC has.


Something to note now that you're going to install EVE ... it will overwrite the OCOv2 body textures. OCOv2 makes enough of a change in it's body textures that you will now see some difference as a result of OCOv2 head textures paired with EVE body textures.


What I would suggest is to only install the equipment replacer portion of EVE. Unfortunately that is no longer offered as a standalone donwload. I suggest you download the OMOD version (top listed download ... use the manual download button and save to a folder). It will download as an already prepared OMOD (the compressed file format that OBMM uses to install from). You have OBMM installed ... just double left click on the downloaded OMOD file (EVE_HGEC_BodyStock and Clothing OMOD-24078.omod) and OBMM will start and the installation script will run. Only install the equipment (clothes and armor) part and that will leave the OCOv2 body textures intact.


- Edit - Another option, if my OMOD instructions above give no joy is to go full fledged Striker on it and we'll do a step by step on installing just the equipment portion from the BAIN download (second listed download from the top). It will still be the good old familiar copy/paste, just will be a bit more like the HGEC step by step from last night (vs the copy Data paste in Oblivion of tonight's episode). Still won't be rocket science ... just a matter of finding the folders and doing a copypasta.

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I had no idea i could just double click the .omod file it downloaded and omod would do the rest, i thought i had to do something from within OMM itself, i'm going to go finish what i started from last night with this new information, and just do the equipment portion as stated

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