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HGEC/High Res Skin Textures For HGEC/Dalls "Sexy Female Feet"/OBSE/BLOCKHEAD Issue I Think


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I think I did mention that MOM likes to use hard drive space. Don't make more profiles than necessary will help.


- Edit - And there is only one kind of sandwich ... peanut butter and jam. All others (well OK, except grilled cheese) are mere pretenders.

Edited by Striker879
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Just the two thankfully, after it's done copying

speak of the devil, finished up

i was rather partial to ham mustard and mayonaise when i was growing up, never did like peanut butter

ok time to bite into the meat of it and start copying some COBL files into my new MOM image

edit/update, i'm not seeing any people textures or meshes, and i'm wondering if i'm just not observant or they aren't in the 00 Core folder

Edited by JustHereForSass
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Those will not be in the 00 Core ... plus you don't want them messing OCOv2 up. In 00 Core should be primarily new food and ingredients, the Luggage etc.


- Edit - From what I can see it looks like COBL Races doesn't add anything mesh or textures wise, so it's the COBL Races - Balanced.esp that would do all the messing with OCOv2. I do know they don't agree with one another, at least not right out of the tin.


- Edit 2 - Well the first and second periods are over in the two late hockey games, and I'm not staying up to see how my hockey pool guys fare in the last periods of those games. I'll check in Sunday for a report ... good luck JustHere.

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ah ok, so i'm just gonna copy all these and paste them into Data
then the same with the other two i forget the names of after i sift through them listening to the sound clips which is really fun

edit, so what you're saying is, the new races should be fine as long as the balanced isn't in there? i can imagine they won't look very new-race-y without their own textures and such but it could be neat for the future

thanks for the well wishes! i'll look back on previous info, it's good to have a chat log to look back on, if i need further information, and if it's there, have fun, see you then! i'll make a post after this one and update that

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ok, first off, it says "from either 00 StableCore or 00 DevCore, gonna just peek into those and see which one i'd want, this post here might get long but i'm gonna keep it to technicalities and important info so i can remember my process

ok definitely StableCore

going to just paste in the cobl races but not the balanced, see what happens, could be fun
immediate edit, oop hold on, there's a new post saying not to do that, time to read
an edit after finishing reading, if i knew what a bashed patch was i might toy around with all that but hey there's always in a few days eh?

Tweaks and Tweaks SI in data, going to also put in Salmo as well, because that sounds interesting
read the Salmo readme, i think it should work, this was included

• Install Cobl and activate the Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp.

• Salmo should load relatively late in your load order. Salmo changes ownership of Salmo related cells, so it's important that this ownership be active or else, all of the Salmo NPCs will be trepassing while inside the shop!

BOSS handles the load order and i'm just gonna trust that, if not, i know what to fix!

time to mix it all up and see what comes out of the oven, i'm gonna start up Oblivion
-after a sandwich, i'm STARVING for a sandwich now (wonder why)
-sandwich in hand, let's see how this goes!

i procrastinated while i ate and this led to me remembering before i started, the meshes sound and textures from the races folder
will do that then start

actually all i see in there is Races.esp, can't find any meshes sounds or textures so, might as well forge on with starting it all up

update, alas, but it didn't change anything, i visited my pocket dimension, i visited Salmo, nothing, time to find out what went wrong

oh my i quite think i see my issue here

• Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp

• Do not activate this mod! It can ONLY be used by merging it into the Bashed Patch!

• Missing Masters: Most likely this mod has masters that are not available on your machine. As a result activating it results in a "Missing Masters" problem which will cause Oblivion to crash immediately on startup.

• However, when Bash merges this into the bashed patch, it does a filtered merge which discards references to mods that you don't have active, thus avoiding the missing masters problem. (Which is why Wrye Bash is required.)

• Adds foods from a number of mods to the Cobl Dinner Plate. Hence it is only useful if you're using a using a Cobl aware hunger mod. In addition, it will not function unless you also have OBSE 15 (or higher) installed and active.

• Order: This mod should be just before the bashed patch in load order.

you see i did in fact add the Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp, and that may indeed be my issue. but is it an easy fix? let's find out

Oh my i believe i've found something else as well that may have something to do with it

• No matter the setting, the options menu will always be available in the Temple of the One.

Oh dear it seems it wants to highlight that, continuing on, i may simply need to visit the Temple Of The One and activate it

so there's nothing to activate, the mod simply isn't working, however, i have noticed on the tweaks folder it says (only install one) so i may need to remove the tweaks vanilla, that may solve my issues, i will also take a look at OMM/BOSS/etc and bum around to see what's goin on, but i need to sleep real soon

hey. hi. i went into OMM and, well, none of the new stuff was activated hahah i just never looked, let's see what happens when i start Oblivion now, i'm just a big ol dummy

Lo and behold, when you activate something, it works haha. i found Salmo's place fixed up, had the scripts working, everything. i'm just a dummy. will fiddle more tomorrow there's definitely some light issues with Salmo, such as his house always being trespassing, and i think i got one of those random crashes the readme talked about, but for now, sleep time

Ok! picking up from yesterday, i'm going to move Salmo to the bottom of the load order and see if that fixes the trespassing

oh dear, now Salmo didn't load at all. i'm going to systematically move it up the list until it works as it should, might take a bit but trial and error is sometimes the best course of action

ok so i moved it up the list spot by spot starting up Oblivion every time and i found where it'll load in Salmo, however, his house is ALWAYS trespassing and i waited just to make sure, hmm


you know i'm thinking about looking for Wyre Bash because part of me really feels like it'd fix my issues, i'm also not seeing the alchemical sorter or anything, however i am seeing the options in my misc category, so it's working but i'm missing features that i can't help but think may be in that Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp

Well that explains why i couldn't find it, i thought it was Wyre Bash but it's Wrye Bash, gonna see if i can puzzle out how to install and use, otherwise, hey, tomorrow is right around the corner

Wrye Bash is installed and i am now puzzling out how to actually work it

hoo boy ok i might just need to wait i'm not really making sense of it, i followed the directions but i guess i'm just not doing it right or i have the wrong thing or like, i dunno, i can wait, i definitely need some guidance

i believe this is the end of this post, as i'm going to wait until tomorrow for Wrye Bash help

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No, don't install the COBL races ... the only folders you need from there are Meshes, Sound and Textures (all pasted into Data in your game). The rest you don't need ... but you will need the ESPs from 01 Stable Core (well the two ESPs and the one ESM). I think you could also safely add the COBL Tweaks.esp and COBL Tweaks SI.esp from the 02 Tweaks folder, but that may require a bashed patch to merge their changes with other changes to the levelled lists (and you won't miss out on a lot other than some COBL specific stuff in loot bags, chests etc.).

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Confused about Wrye Bash, i tried moving a file into the "Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers" where it said it'd see it but i closed, reopened, it rescanned, nothin, so i def need help when you've got time, the full process is just above if you need to catch up


i'll check back tomorrow sometime

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