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HGEC/High Res Skin Textures For HGEC/Dalls "Sexy Female Feet"/OBSE/BLOCKHEAD Issue I Think


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so we have another issue admittedly it's more than a little my fault
so everything was looking good, everything seemed to have a place and a home, and i was looking at Salmo The Baker, the one i assumed was an extra and was outside the one in the bashed patch, and i thought, well having two might be an issue right
so i deactivated the one outside the patch, which it said deactivated the one inside the patch, and everything went sorta funky and i can't rebuild my patch due to missing masters error, and i have no idea what i've done or how to fix it
so i guess an accurate summation would be, simply: oops.

what you see there is AFTER BOSS if the information helps

edit, here's what it gives me if that helps too

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You need to leave all those Interchange and the Filter Late MEGE ONLY ESPs to be set as they are automatically (which for Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp will be not ticked/activated. WB will automatically take what it needs from Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp and incorporate it into the bashed patch and by leaving Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp deactivated (but still listed in your mod list) any of the records in Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp that are not required for your load order will not be read by the game, and thus will not lead to a missing master crash.


Here's the relevant section from Item Interchange readme.txt:


iv) Bash patch (IMPORTANT)
Make sure the following options are set when rebuilding the Bashed Patch (you must be using v210 or later):
1) Merge Patches: all II esps should be merged.
2) Import Inventory: all installed II placement plugins should be selected.
3) Leveled Lists: automatic for all II placement plugins.
After the Bashed Patch has been built make sure that all II esps are set to virtually active, with just a + symbol in the box.
Item Interchange plugins come pre-tagged with Wrye Bash tags. Should you accidentally (or deliberately) change these II will most likely no longer function correctly. Should this occur, please reset the Bashed tags as follows. Extraction plugin {{BASH:Merge,Filter}}, placement plugins {{BASH:Merge,Filter,IIM,Invent,Delev}}, the Ingredients in Bulk option file needs {{BASH:Merge,Filter,IIM,Relev}}.
When you run BOSS it will set those appropriate bash tags. When you rebuild your bashed patch it will use the bash tags (note the Merge tag) ... when you get the dialogue from WB concerning Merging Plugins just select "Yup ... do what you do" (paraphrased of course ... let WB follow the bash tag instructions).
Looks like we need to get you up to speed on setting up User Rules for WorldMap, MarkN and you PocketDimension ...
- Edit - You can clues to what I'm talking about by looking in the Description box ... >>>DO NOT ACTIVATE!<<<
Edited by Striker879
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hmm, ok, and i was going to say that what it says there's an error with, aren't really important, i think the things missing masters are from mods i don't have, and everything should be ok if i just, deactivate those i think?

edit to include example

update, deactivated them, they show the plus symbol in a red box, bashed patch will rebuild again, however it's still orange and i dunno if that's bad? i have the readme open still from last night

orange = The install is dirty. This will occur for packages for which the configuration has been altered (either by altering active sub-packages and esmps, or by altering the package itself). This can be repaired by running Anneal or Anneal All.

Edited by JustHereForSass
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I'd just BOSS and then bash ... it should work out if you don't change anything. Having those three mods below your bashed patch isn't a huge deal, but we'll need to deal with them for sake of completeness. Get back to having a game that will start first.


- Edit - The main master that was missing at that time was your bashed patch ... those rely on using the bashed patch to make them work correctly but the bashed patch was above them in the load order, thus the bashed patch couldn't access any of them to work it's magic.


The way we keep the bashed patch from affecting a mod is to load it below the bashed patch (e.g. Maskars Oblivion Overhaul ... Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp must be below the bashed patch to work correctly ... kind of the opposite to the way things usually are).

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I started up Oblivion and messed around a bit, i definitely saw a grinder and grinded a skull to bonemeal, i saw Salmo, working like a charm

however i have yet to see an alchemical sorter or "luggage" anywhere, so i'm thinking maybe parts of cobl aren't working
the readme says-

Alchemical Sorters

Cobl provides a standard version of alchemical sorters. You'll find these sorters in player houses (if you have Cobl Glue.esp active), and in many Cobl aware house mods.

For non-OBSE users, the sorters will allow you to put away all Vanilla ingredients, and retrieve ingredients by name or effect. Also if you have a Cobl aware hunger mod installed, you'll be able to retrieve just the edible foods that are currently stored in the sorter.

For OBSE users, behavior is considerably enhanced. The sorters will:

• Handle ingredients from all mods (not just Vanilla Oblivion).

• Put away and retrieve potions.

• Put away and retrieve scrolls.

• Provide direct access to potions.

To create potions (OBSE only): After selecting the desired effect(s), select "Create Potions", which will open the Alchemy menu. When you're done creating potions, exit the Alchemy menu, and the Sorter container will open again. Now you can select more effects or select "Reset" to return all of the ingredients and reset the list of effects.

but i haven't seen any, i checked mages guild and my pocket dimension which says there should be a sorter and a luggage in my storage room but:

pocket dimension mod page says, under features, thus:

- A Storage Room, just in case the previously mentioned container device is not enough for your needs.

- If you choose the install the optional COBL patch, then the Storage Room will also contain the Luggage, a Grinder, and an Alchemical Sorter.

i definitely have grinders in my world, but not in my storage room, and no sorters or luggage that i can find anywhere

also, how do i move something to the installers tab to anneal it? which might fix the alchemical sorters n luggage problem

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Annealing is only for mods installed using the WB Installers tab.


The COBL sorter looks like a shelf with a whole bunch of ingredient jars on the shelves. Buy the Waterfront shack and it's just to the left of the door on that same wall as the door. Some COBL additions for mods add their own version of the sorter, so exact looks can vary from house to house. All use exactly the same menu interface ... you'll know it when you see it.


The Luggage won't appear anywhere until you pick it up from the Anvil docks. It's to your right, next to some crates etc when you exit Anvil out onto the docks, kind of across from where Astia Inventius does her painting during the day (but her easel is always set up there).

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Hmm, do i have to activate the sorter before it'll get added to my house? i figured it would be there from the start

ok edit, i bought the bravil house and its furnishings, my test character has a LOT of money so that wasn't an issue, and i found it

and yet, it's not at all in my Pocket Dimension home storage area

i'm thinking maybe the pocket dimension needs to be AFTER the bashed patch in the load order list, however, it's IN the bashed patch so i dunno

is there a way to get it out to test that theory or should i learn to live with this
because it IS easy to live with i'm just looking to get the most ease of access out of my Oblivion you know? but it's absolutely not that big of a deal either

and before i forget i did successfully find the luggage

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