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HGEC/High Res Skin Textures For HGEC/Dalls "Sexy Female Feet"/OBSE/BLOCKHEAD Issue I Think


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it asked if i wanted to install the body textures and i said no, picked C-underwear, but it's asking me if i want optional dermal exposure meshes and i have NO idea what that is

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I'd say no ... I think that will be asking if you want the Alt version of some clothing/armor, which has more skin exposed.


It really isn't that difficult to swap things around to suit you afterwards from the BAIN download, so don't fret about "making a mistake" ... they are all just opportunities to learn stuff.

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Ah ok interesting

this is a small post so i'll make more use of space by updating this with new progress

update, i think it went well
i think all i need to do is start Oblivion again and see what happens

Edited by JustHereForSass
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Yes, at some point in time we all need to actually play the game. If they cause any grief the optional EVE ESPs can be deactivated. The Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles one will only be an issue if you don't have those DLCs active in your load order ... the Khajiit fix may or may not be an issue with OCOv2 (don't use it myself). The StockEquipment one just enables female versions of vanilla game male model only armor like the Steel armor.

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ok! it actually looks like everything is working, and with the deletion of the steam backup folder i created and didn't end up needing that took up a little over 1/3 of my available memory space, Oblivion is running smoother after it worked out the kinks with the latest installs. my test character that i made last night seems to have the new body mesh
Simplicia The Slow, my go-to character for body mesh differences and facial textures is looking sprightly
And i walked up to a random NPC just to make sure and she definitely has a much more pleasing face

I think everything worked out in the end! i'm more than happy with the results

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OK ... next suggestion ... Lunas OCO Khajiit Female Fix.


It's a simple texture replacer, so all your "Striker method" tools can be used.


- Edit - Will probably require the deactivation of the EVE Khajiit fix ESP ... try it with and if weirdness ensues try it without.


- Edit 2 - Poor Simplicia ... she seems to be misplacing her clothes a lot lately ... LOL!

Edited by Striker879
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Actually i've spent a little time just now wandering around Cyrodiil and i think everything has its own charm, i kinda like these Khajiits
Simplicia is just always in the right place at the wrong time poor thing

i think this is it! i think this is the end of my current journey and i'm very happy with how things are and i couldn't say thank you enough for stickin this out to help me, nevertheless i'll probably be seen again asking for help but i think i've finally hit the final product, i'm ecstatic

Edited by JustHereForSass
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LOL ... awesome!! Don't worry Simplicia is like all the other NPCs ... blissfully unaware.


Good that you are off to the races ... wasn't the journey fun??

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It was a complete journey, there were feelings, there were mountains climbed, there were bridges crossed, and here i am at my new Oblivion, and i learned so much that i can use from this point onwards, it's been a cool trip

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Ah ok interesting


this is a small post so i'll make more use of space by updating this with new progress


update, i think it went well


i think all i need to do is start Oblivion again and see what happens

If you want to use those EVE_HGEC mods then it won't work without using the bashed patch in Wrye Bash. The EVE_Khajiit Fix.esp needs to be merged directly into the bashed patch to get the best result.


The other EVE esp needs to be handle by the bashed patch and this time all of them, I think, needs to be imported into the bashed patch and that can only be done in Wrye Bash.



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