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HGEC/High Res Skin Textures For HGEC/Dalls "Sexy Female Feet"/OBSE/BLOCKHEAD Issue I Think


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Nifty, it feels good

So i'm looking into COBL which will add a Luggage, Grinder, and Alchemical Sorter to the Pocket Dimension but i'm not sure how to approach it really, and it adds races and some things that i'm not sure if they're optional, but i'm thinking could conflict with the good thing i have going right now with Oblivion as to the faces/bodies so i'm nervous

Edited by JustHereForSass
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Yes the COBL races are optional, and installing them won't go well at all with OCOv2. The latest version of COBL is over at AssimilationLab ... I think that version 1.74 may be the latest (link - http://www.theassimilationlab.com/forums/files/file/951-cobl/ ).


- Edit - I use version 1.73 myself (was the latest back when I installed it for my current guy's load order ... tend to not change things in mid-stream).


- Edit 2 - COBL was one of the few mods that I used Wrye Bash to install (it comes as a BAIN download), but it is possible to install manually.

Edited by Striker879
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Just a matter of picking from the folders. Most are fairly obviously named ... Core you'll want for instance. Many of the folders outside of that are for particular mods. I see it has an omod conversion folder and a script that will act as a guide through an OBMM install if you wanted to give that a go.


Here's what it says in the documentation about installing as an OMOD (a bit sparse I admit):


Install as OMOD
The full Cobl package now includes OMOD conversion data, and so can be converted to an OMOD and installed through OBMM. Note that it's not completely automatic, and does require reading the instructions during the OBMM activation.
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You could give OMOD method a try and see if it is explained enough to follow. I've not seen it that way, in fact didn't even use the BAIN wizard when I installed ... but I was after a bare minimum COBL install.


- Edit - I think it may find the omod conversion folder and script if you use the "add archive" method ... not 100% positive though.


- Edit 2 - All I have installed as far as ESPs is COBL Glue.esp, COBL SI.esp and COBL Main.esm along with COBL Tweaks SI.esp and of course the meshes, sounds and textures folders from the 00 COBL Core folder (the three ESPs are in the 01 Stable Core folder).


- Edit 3 - Not sure how much you'll be able to install without using a bashed patch (and that means getting onto the Wrye Bash stairmaster).

Edited by Striker879
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Actually i think it tells me in the readme what files to move for a manual install and where to put them

"For a install of Cobl either manually or with another mod manager (Not Recommended), copy files from each of these sub-directories to your Oblivion\Data directory. You'll need to install files from 00 Cobl Core, then from 01 StableCore or 01 DevCore, but files from the other directories are optional."

so i think i need to open those and copy/paste everything in them to the data folder, now, i say "i think" even though it might be obvious because sometimes these things sorta, muddle my brain a little

having that bit from the readme pasted here will help me remember what files i need as well so it's a double purpose

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I've been avoiding Wyre Bash for no reason other than that i've downloaded so much already i just want to be lazy at this point haha, but if it would help, forge on i must, and will

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One thing to keep in mind ... I have a hockey game to go to with my grandson tomorrow, and won't be available until Sunday. Just wondering if some things may be best left on hold for a while, that's all.


- Edit - Yes from 00 COBL Core you can exclude all but the Meshes, Sounds and Textures folders (which would all be pasted into Data naturally). The ESP COBL Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp is for use with a bashed patch (which is part of what has me wondering whether a bashed patch is required as opposed to recommended ... I didn't start using COBL until I started using Wrye Bash).

Edited by Striker879
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