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HGEC/High Res Skin Textures For HGEC/Dalls "Sexy Female Feet"/OBSE/BLOCKHEAD Issue I Think


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I appreciate the forewarning, and hey i'm a very patient person, i have more than enough for weeks and weeks of entertainment, take all the time you need i'm not going to try to somehow force someone over the internet to spend their time on me haha

Hmm, i would hope it isn't required as opposed to optional, that might wrench the easy-going plan of manually copy/pasting

Edited by JustHereForSass
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Looking at the page for version 1.72 here on Oblivion Nexus leads me to doubt my doubts ... says "This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game." and makes no mention of a bashed patch. I know that some dependency on a bashed patch is made in COBL.html in the Docs folder when referring to specific ESPs.


- Edit - I'll need to wrap up tonight in about an hour. I have an early start tomorrow and a long day after that (won't be home until some time after 1:30am).

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So in other words it should be ok to go ahead and start copy/pasting without worrying about messing something up majorly?
i'm thinking i could create a third MOM to test it out with and if things go down the drain i can just swap back no mess no fuss and try again, also, i think BOSS might have shuffled some things around because suddenly my khajiits got a facelift out of nowhere, it went from this
to this
and i'm intrigued, i liked the ones before but this is also new and interesting so i have no complaints, though miss Bango Bongo also got a "facelift" and i use that term loosely because she still looks like a deflated mouse
just a watery tart lost in a world of adventure and extra large headgear
plus a small showcase of the map mod i installed like an hour ago that i really like

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Load order is key in replacer type mods ... the last loaded that touches the same thing as others will win every time.


What I see in the picture is familiar to my eye ... what I saw before wasn't (which was part of the motivation for providing the link).


- Edit - Make that install order and load order.


- Edit 2 - Luna's mod should reduce the neckseam considerably I believe.


- Edit 3 - See, you are already leveraging what MOM brings to the table.

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So i definitely think BOSS was the way to go and i didn't even know it, we just ended up on the other side of that through working with other things haha

might as well try copy/pasting the COBL into that third MOM

ok, edit, there's an issue, MOM lost my Oblivion images, i know where they are, i'm just not sure how to get them BACK in there without having to create new

another edit shortly after, i have an idea and i'm gonna see if it works or not, can't rely on outside help ALL the time, just gonna dive in

Yet another edit: the uhh...mm. Well, the uhh, Vanilla Game MOM file seems to have, er, disappeared.
i tried importing it but then it just sorta said there was an error and POOF what do you know it vanished haha

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Wonder if it could be an issue because BOSS wasn't installed in your first profile (just read the part in the readme about MOM and BOSS).


- Edit - Did your "other idea" involve the Import button by any chance?


- Edit 2 - LOL ... Bango Bongo has some serious face slider position issues (either that or the mouse you fed her was ... how can I put this ... a little tainted!!).

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yes indeed, yes, indeed

i'm not particularly upset in fact i'm rather jovial about it but i'd still be interested in finding out what happend haha, any explanations?

i've got the right attitude about it though, it was a mistake in the learning process, and a firsthand mistake at that! that's extra experience right there, plus it was just the Vanilla game non modded, i could more than likely simply uninstall/reinstall Oblivion to get that back, i still have the important modded save that we've spent so much time and effort on, so no harm no foul! i'm still going to make that *second* MOM and mod that with the COBL and see how it goes

that hour seems to be up so more than likely, i'll see you (Sunday?)! i'll keep updating this one post here with updates and edits

in response to below that didn't show up until i refreshed, Bongo is still there, and all my other characters, but MOM's Vanilla game image that i had just, poofed, i was able to import my active image just fine

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The only thing I have of true value is my mistakes ... don't learn diddly squat of value from doing things right.


I'll be about for a little bit yet. If I go to bed too early I'll just lay there waiting for morning anyway.

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